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This is an add-on plugin which lets Awebsome! Broswer Selector work on sites that employ caching.
Easily speed up your site by making all your links into Turbolinks.
APC Object Cache provides a persistent memory-based backend for the WordPress object cache. APC must be available on your PHP install.
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Provides an admin interface for inspecting Memcached instances and flushing items by key or group in an AJAX fashion.
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CLP Varnish Cache lets you configure the cache lifetime, paths, and parameters to exclude from caching. You can purge single urls or cache entries by cache tag.
Simple Fragment and Object Caching using WP Transients API
AIO Cache Offers:
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Speed up your website with 5centsCDN Content Delivery Network. This plugin allows you to easily enable 5centsCDN on your WordPress website and enjoy greatly improved loading times around the world. Even better, it takes just a minute to set up. To Enable CDN web acceleration on your WordPress website using 5centsCDN Content Delivery Network. Simply enable the plugin and select the pull zone created on the CDN control panel. Enjoy world-class acceleration with 5centsCDN powered by Akamai (Enterprise plan)!
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Add delete beaver builder cache button in admin bar!
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{eac}ObjectCache is a drop-in persistent object cache using a SQLite database to cache WordPress objects.
Add a step between "no gravatar account" and "default gravatar sent back", using Google Images Search Service + 2 bonus usage
Batcache uses Memcached to store and serve rendered pages.
No more outdated post/page info when sharing on Facebook. Our plugin makes sure that Facebook's cache always has the most up to date details.
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KurocoEdge - Empowering developers to build serverless applications at the network edge.
Protect your dignity! Prevent the Internet Archive Wayback Machine from saving periodic snapshots of your website.
Minimizes the situations in which logged-in users appear logged-in to WordPress, which increases the cacheability of your site.
A very simple & fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files for your site.
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List your pens or posts from CodePen in a painless way.