SpeedyCache is a WordPress cache plugin that helps you improve performace of your WordPress site by caching, minifying, and compressing your website.
You can find our official documentation at
https://speedycache.com/docs. We are also active in our community support forums on
wordpress.org if you are one of our free users. Our Premium Support Ticket System is at
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Other than caching SpeedyCache can also do the following:-
- It can minify and combine CSS/JS giving even better optimization as it reduces the file sizes and reduces the HTTP requests to the server.
- Eliminate render-blocking Javascript resources helping your website to load faster.
- Lazy load images so that the images can be requested only if they come into the viewport.
- GZIP files to reduce the size of the file sent from the server.
1.2.7 (21st Nov 2024)
1.2.6 (19th Nov 2024)
- [Task] Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.7.
- [Improvement] Support for WeGlot translation plugin.
1.2.5 (22th October 2024)
- [Task] SpeedyCache has been updated to support PHP 7.0 and later, expanding its compatibility from PHP 7.3.
- [Bug-Fix] There was a bug releated to jQuery which was making it unable to switch tabs which has been fixed.
1.2.4 (15th October 2024)
- [Feature] Option to make cache lifespan run on a specific time.
- [Improvement] Handling cache for URI of non-ASCII characters.
- [Improvement] Deletion of related posts.
- [Improvement] Support for WBW Currency Switcher.
- [Improvement] Deletion of Cache on saving Menu.
- [Improvement] Deletion of cache of all the ancestors of the posts who's cache is being deleted.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with expiring cache, which has been fixed.
1.2.3 (20th September 2024)
- [Bug-Fix] There was issue with query string serving homepage's cache that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] For a user the SpeedyCache admin requests type were getting overridden, speedycache has been made to handle that.
- [Task] License handling improvements.
1.2.2 (3rd September 2024)
- [Added] Deletion of Cache on comment status change.
- [Added] Admin Bar option to delete cache.
- [Added] Cache deletion on WooCommerce order completion.
- [Improvement] AutoCache has been improved(is enabled by default if preload is enabled).
- [Improvement] Cache Logs have been improved further.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with saving Delay JS excludes that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with excluding pages, that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] In cache lifetime Mobile cache was not getting deleted, that has been fixed.
1.2.1 (27th August 2024)
- [Improvement] Cache purge on post status change has been improved.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with htaccess rule in case the admin username had a space.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue in which user was unable to open SpeedyCache settings page, that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with serving Mobile specific cache that has been fixed.
1.2.0 (23nd August 2024)
- [Improvement] The UI has been improved, by reducing some unnecessary options or making them default.
- [Improvement] CSS Minification has been improved.
- [Improvement] We now use Advanced cache, for better cache load performance.
- [Improvement] Cache Preloads have been improved, with less options to configure.
- This version has some breaking changes.
1.1.9 (26th July 2024)
- [Security-Fix] A Security issue reported by Rafie Muhammad (Patchstack) has been fixed.
1.1.8 (16th July 2024)
- [Task] Removed StackPath from CDN(as StackPath CDN was retired in September 2023)
- [Task] Tested with WordPress 6.6
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with deletion of Preloading setting that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with enabling Precaching using URL which has been fixed.
1.1.7 (31st May 2024)
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with Delay JS which has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] Deletion of cache was creating warnings which has been fixed.
1.1.6 (20th April 2024)
- [Task] Changed the license to GNU GPLv3.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with Minify HTML that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with render blocking JS which has been fixed.
1.1.5 (25nd March 2024)
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with preload that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was a conflict with SuperPWA that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] PHP Warnings have been fixed.
- [Task] Tested with WordPress 6.5.
- [Pro Feature] Option to exclude JS files from getting deferred.
1.1.4 (15th December 2023)
- [Security] There was a privilege check which has been fixed. (Reported by Lucio Sá)
- [Bug-Fix] There were some warnings when deleting the cache which have been fixed.
- [Improvement] While reverting all optimized images if the image count was 50+ then the images were queued one image per schedule. Which has been changed to a batch of 100 images per schedule. And the limit for schedule has been increased to 100 from 50.
1.1.3 (30th November 2023)
- [Security] A subscriber could trigger a create cache request which has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with Object Cache not able to save data in Redis that has been fixed.
1.1.2 (16th November 2023)
- [Task] Tested on WordPress 6.4.
- [Bug-Fix] In Lazy Load DOMSubTreeModified(which is a deprecated Browser API) has been changed to Mutation Observer.
- [Bug-Fix] Dynamic Property warnings have been fixed for PHP 8.2.
1.1.1 (19th October 2023)
- [Structural Change] SpeedyCache Pro will now require the free version to be installed for it to to work.
- [Feature] Text Rendering: It tells the browser to prioritize rendering speed over legibility and geometric precision.
- [Feature] DNS-Prefetch: It is a technique that tells the browser to resolve domain names in advance, which can speed up website loading.
- [Pro-Feature] Preconnect: It is a technique that tells the browser to establish connections to external resources in advance, which can speed up website loading.
- [Pro-Feature] Preload Resources: It is a technique that tells the browser to start downloading resources in advance.
- [Pro-Feature] Unused CSS: Removes the unused CSS to reduce the size of CSS being loaded on the page.
- [Task] We have created a new section in Settings tab "Preloading" it contains all the options related to preloading. Hence Instant Page, Preloading Critical Images, have been shifted to this section.
- [Task] Added option to set number of images to skip from lazy loading from top of the page.
- [Task] Instant page has been upgraded and improved.
- [Bug-Fix] When Mobile Theme was enabled a .mobile file was being created as a cache which has been fixed.
1.1.0 (8th August 2023)
- [Feature] Localize Gravatar: Caches Gravatar on your server.
- [Pro-Feature] Preload Critical Images: Preloads above-the-fold images to improve LCP(Largest Contentful paint).
- [Pro-Feature] Lazy Render HTML elements: It helps in reducing the rendering time of the HTML elements, which are not in the viewport.
1.0.9 (28th July 2023)
- [Pro-Feature] Image Dimensions: Add Image dimensions to Local Images if height or width is not present for it.
- [Bug-Fix] Precache was causing a fatal error for some users while uploading via media, which has been fixed now.
- [Bug-Fix] Delay JS was breaking HTML for some users that has been fixed.
- [Tweak] Updated a nag, to notify user to test Page Speed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with Combine CSS that has been fixed.
- [Feature] Added Test Mode, for a user to test the options before pushing it to the live site.
- [Feature] Test Score, now user can get Pageinsight scores of their website on how it will score with the cache settings enabled.
- [Feature][Pro] Bloat Remover, we have added more than 10 options to remove bloat and speed up your WordPress site.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with Minify JS it was breaking some sites, but that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] Instant Page was conflicting with JS of other files which has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue while activating the Plugin for some users, default settings weren't getting saved properly.
- [Bug-Fix] SpeedyCache was minifying already minified CSS/JS files, that has been fixed.
- [Tweak] Added a reminder to enable SpeedyCache if it is activated.
- [Feature][PRO] Object Cache: Reduce the count of SQL queries you need to make by caching it in a persistent Cache like Redis.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue in Preload settings in which the order of the preload was not getting updates as expected which has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an undefined index issue with Plugins that have custom post types that have been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] WP_User_Query::query was called incorrectly PHP Notice has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was a warning related to an index Brand Data.
- [Bug-Fix] [Pro] The License status was not updating immediately after the license was submitted that has been fixed.
- [Task] Tested with WordPress 6.2.
- [Bug-Fix] When saving a product in Woocommerce if the cache was enabled on SpeedyCache, the user was getting redirected to a JSON response page, which has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] When saving a product there was a Security Check failed warning, that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with deleting SpeedyCache, it has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] Disabling the Cache for the single page was not working, that has been fixed.
- [Feature] Purging Varnish cache when cache from SpeedyCache is purged.
- [Feature][Pro] Display swap for Google fonts to keep fonts visible on a load of Google fonts.
- [Feature][Pro] Critical CSS: Now SpeedyCache can extract critical CSS from your page to remove Render Blocking CSS to improve page speed.
- [Tweak] The Cache folder structure has been updated, to follow common practice.
- [Bug-Fix] Cloudflare prompt use to pop-up continuously if user website was being proxied through Cloudflare that has been fixed by converting that popup to an alert.
- [Bug-Fix] PHP 8.2 warnings and deprecations have been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was an issue while clearing Cache if you have disabled cache in a meta box.
- [Bug-Fix][Pro] There was an issue with LazyLoading Iframes that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix][Pro] There was an issue with Delete Cache logs that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix][Pro] There was an issue with linking License that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] Cache folder was not being created at activation that has been fixed.
- [Bug-Fix] There was a PHP Warning that has been fixed.