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FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload for Nginx

开发者 psauxit
更新时间 2025年2月24日 10:47
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


cache performance purge preload nginx


2.0.4 2.0.9 2.1.0 2.0.3 2.0.5 2.0.2 2.0.1 2.0.7 2.0.6 2.0.8


This plugin, NPP, allows WordPress users to manage Nginx Cache Purge and Preload (FastCGI, Proxy, SCGI, UWSGI) operations directly from the WordPress admin dashboard, enhancing website performance and caching efficiency. Unlike other solutions that depend on Nginx modules, NPP directly manages cache files without needing to interact with Nginx. ➡️ This approach provides the following benefits:Faster – No waiting for Nginx to process cache purges; works without interacting with Nginx. 🌐 Greater flexibility – Works seamlessly across different architectures, including containerized environments where Nginx may run on a host, in a separate container, or distributed across systems. 🤖 Automations - NPP is flexible for server-side automations, making it easy to integrate into your workflow. ⚠️ IMPORTANT: NPP is feature rich, completely free & functional and great for users who manage their own servers and have technical know-how. For those with less technical experience, pre-made Bash scripts are available, making it easy to get started and benefit from the plugin. ➡️ For detailed integration steps and guidance: • Visit the NPP Main Development Repository • Explore NPP Containerized for easy production deployments and testing NPP locally. • Refer to the FAQ or the plugin’s Help tab for further instructions.


Manual Installation
  1. Upload the 'fastcgi-cache-purge-and-preload-nginx' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in the WordPress admin dashboard.
  3. Configure plugin settings under 'Settings' -> 'FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload' in the WordPress admin dashboard.
  4. Access FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload operations from the WordPress admin bar(both frontend,backend) and Plugin settings page.
Automatic Installation
  1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
  2. In the search field type “FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload Nginx” and click Search Plugins. From the search results, pick "FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload for Nginx" and click Install Now. Wordpress will ask you to confirm to complete the installation.


  • Settings Tab Preload
  • Settings Tab Schedule
  • Settings Tab Mail & Logging
  • Status Tab
  • Advanced Tab
  • Help Tab
  • Front-end Admin Bar


  • Important fixes for function/class/define/namespace/option names.
  • Properly enqueued inline JavaScript.
  • Internationalization and security improvements.


For more information, visit the plugin development page: FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload for Nginx


Is the plugin completely free?

Yes, the plugin is completely free to use.

Who is this plugin intended for?

For users looking to efficiently manage Nginx cache Purge and Preload actions, this plugin provides a seamless solution for managing these processes directly from the WordPress admin dashboard.

Will this plugin slow my site down?

No, this plugin does not introduce any performance overhead to your website. It operates exclusively within the WordPress admin environment and does not affect the frontend or public-facing aspects of your site.

Will it work on my theme?

Sure! Works 100% with all themes.

Will it work with my plugins?

Sure! It works 100% with all plugins.

What changes will it make to my site?


Is this plugin compatible with other Wordpress cache plugins?

When using NPP with other WordPress caching plugins, consider disabing their page caching features to avoid conflicts and redundancy. These plugins can still handle frontend optimizations. Keep frontend optimization features active, such as:

  • Minify and combine CSS/JS files
  • Lazy load images and videos
  • Optimize the database
  • Integrate a CDN This combined setup ensures NPP manages server-side caching while other plugins handle frontend tasks, avoiding conflicts and improving performance.

How do I configure the plugin settings?

Navigate to Settings -> FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload in the WordPress admin dashboard or navigate to Admin Bar -> FastCGI Cache to configure the options and use the actions.

Why plugin not functional on my environment?

This wordpress plugin is compatible exclusively with Nginx web servers running on Linux-powered systems. Additionally, the shell_exec function must be enabled and unrestricted. Consequently, the plugin may not operate fully on shared hosting environments where native Linux commands are blocked from running via PHP. Moreover, granting the correct permissions to the PHP process owner (PHP-FPM-USER) is essential for the proper functioning of the purge and preload operations. This is necessary in isolated user environments that have two distinct user roles: the WEBSERVER-USER (nginx or www-data) and the PHP-FPM-USER. If you see warnings or if any plugin settings or tabs are disabled, this could indicate permission issues, an unsupported environment, or missing dependencies that the plugin requires to function properly.

What Linux commands are required for the preload action?

For the preload action to work properly, the server must have the wget command installed, as the plugin uses it to preload the cache by fetching pages. Additionally, it is recommended to have the cpulimit command installed to effectively manage wget process server load during the preload action.

Why am I encountering a permission error?

Permission errors when purging cache in Nginx environments are common, especially when the WEBSERVER-USER and PHP-FPM-USER have different permissions. This can restrict PHP-FPM-USER access to cache files. For detailed guidance on resolving this issue and automating tasks with a pre-made bash script, refer to the plugin settings Help tab or visit the plugin's main development repository.

Why can not I use my preferred path for the Nginx Cache Directory?

The Nginx Cache Directory option has restrictions on the paths you can use to prevent accidental deletions or harm to critical system files. By default, certain paths, like '/home' and other vital system directories, are blocked to safeguard your system's stability and prevent data loss. While this might limit your options, it ensures your system's security. Allowed Cache Paths

  • For RAM-based: Use directories under /dev/ | /tmp/ | /var/
  • For persistent disk: Use directories under /opt/
  • Important: Paths must be one level deeper (e.g. /var/cache).

What is different about this plugin compared to other Nginx Cache Plugins?

Because NPP does not depend on external Nginx modules, It provides a simpler and more flexible solution. This plugin directly traverses the cache directory and deletes cache files If the PHP-FPM-USER (website-user or PHP process owner) has read and write permissions granted to the Nginx cache path. Note that, NPP also supports Nginx cache preloading with a simple direct approach, with the help of wget.

I am still encountering difficulties. Do you provide server-side integration services?

Yes, please refer to the plugin settings Help tab.


2.1.0 Release date: 2025-02-23 Major Release: 46 files changed, 5,170 additions, 1,410 deletions. Now fully supports internationalization, enabling complete translation for a global user base. 2.0.9 Release date: 2024-11-30 Milestone: Add support for preloading cache separately for Mobile devices Milestone: Resolved the long-standing issue prior to version 2.0.5, where users encountered a "Not a valid JSON response" error. 2.0.8 Release date: 2024-11-24 2.0.7 Release date: 2024-11-22 2.0.6 Release date: 2024-11-21 2.0.5 Release date: 2024-11-17 Now more powerful with custom fastcgi_cache_key support. Here's the short changelog for version 2.0.5, with contributors proudly mentioned. 2.0.4 Release date: 2024-10-10 This is a massive update: 39 changed files, 3,392 additions, and 1,063 deletions. Here the short changelog for version 2.0.4 2.0.3 Release date: 2024-08-09 2.0.2 Release date: 2024-06-30 2.0.1 Release date: 2024-05-24 2.0.0 Release date: 2024-04-24 1.0.3 Release date: 2024-03-28 1.0.2 Release date: 2024-03-20 1.0.1 Release date: 2024-03-15 1.0.0 Release date: 2024-03-14