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Nginx Helper
Cleans nginx's fastcgi/proxy cache or redis-cache whenever a post is edited/published. Also does a few more things.
Webglobe Purge Cache
Automatic cache purge when the content is updated. Works only with specialized hosting plans from Webglobe.
Cache Sniper for Nginx
Purge the Nginx FastCGI cache manually, or automatically when content is updated. Supports purging of individual pages.
This plugin lets you manage and automatically purge your hosting's LWSCache whenever you edit your website's content
WPBase Cache
A wordpress plugin for using all caches on varnish, nginx, php-fpm stack with php-apc. This plugin includes db-cache-reloaded-fix for dbcache.
TR Cache and Security
Supported features:
FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload for Nginx
The most comprehensive solution for managing Nginx (FastCGI, Proxy, SCGI, UWSGI) cache operations directly from your WordPress dashboard.
Nginx Cache Controller
Provides some functions of controlling Nginx proxy server cache.
WordPress Speed
Improve site performance and user experience via caching: browser, page, object, database, minify and content delivery network support.
Plugin Name
Search Engine (SEO) & Performance Optimization (WPO) via caching. Integrated caching: CDN, Page, Minify, Object, Fragment, Database support.
Network Nginx Proxy Cache Purge
Event driven and on demand Nginx front end proxy cache purge utility.
Non Cache Public Post Preview
Disable cache when show public post preview post
NGINX Cache Optimizer
This plugin allows you to make WordPress faster by using two caching mechanisms: the NGINX reverse proxy and the Memcached.
nginx Compatibility
The plugin makes WordPress more friendly to nginx.
Nginx - do not cache these URLs
This plugin forces Nginx not to cache the specified URLs. Regular expressions are supported for advanced users.
Redirection add-on: Monitor category redirects
Monitor category redirects is an add-on for the Redirection plugin that allows you to monitor category redirects.
Nginx Mobile Theme
This plugin allows you to switch theme according to the User Agent on the Nginx reverse proxy.
Wordpress Nginx proxy cache integrator
Enables your blog to work properly with an nginx frontend static proxy cache. ASTRONOMICAL performance is yours!
Nginx Proxy Cache Purge
Purges the nginx proxy cache when you publish or update a post or page.
Periodic Nginx Cache Purger
Purges cache once a week by default, running a WP Cron Job with Nginx Helper WordPress Plugin. The interval can be changed in the general settings in the WordPress backend.