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conversion pattern

开发者 skcd
更新时间 2022年11月4日 01:00
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0.2
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


post google sidebar page statistics stats visitors analytics google analytics yesterday today location browser geoip year hits chart visit month week agent total live visit wordpress analytics webmasters search word google webmasters


1.0.0 1.0.1


Conversion Pattern solves marketing attribution for WooCommerce Conversion Pattern ensures that marketing attribution is correctly tracked on your advertising platform dashboard (Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Twitter, etc) as well as your Analytics dashboards (Google analytics, MixPannel) and any other dashboard you may be using. Our customers see improved attribution data on their Ads Platforms, which leads less money wasted. This helps them identify which campaigns are getting results and which ones need to be scaled up or cut. It also makes sure that top of funnel advertising campaigns get the credit they deserve for the sales they generate. We help businesses reduce their customer acquisition costs by 40%. We do this by making sure that advertising campaigns are correctly attributed and reported on. This makes ad campaigns more consistent and allows them to optimize better. Conversion Pattern is ideal for businesses that rely on correctly identifying multi-click pre-purchase journeys, such as e-commerce or real estate lead-generation businesses. We stitch together every customer visit and differentiate which of these users are the same and which are new. With this data, you can build the right attribution model for your business using your existing marketing stack. Conversion Pattern uses first-party data to optimize your sales. We use your first-party data to keep track of these customers' identities across multiple visits and send unified information back to advertising channels and analytics dashboards through browser and server-side attribution. We make it easy for you to attribute conversions to your website. Our plugin is simple to install and takes less than 15 minutes to set up. You can learn more about us at, or by reaching out to us at: to enable using this plugin. Conversion Pattern is backed by YCombinator, and was founded by engineers from Meta and Google.


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