Important: You must have set up an extended profile field named 'Location' this can be either set to in the 'Base' group in which case it will appear on the signup page or you can
create a new group and have the field display on the members profile settings. The map will only display once the member has added their location to this new field.
You must also set up a Latitude and Longitude field. !!very importent!!
You can either set the Latitude and Longitude field in the base group to show it on the sign up page or create a new group for the field name in which case it will show in the users profle setup and public display only.
You Can set up an extended profile field named 'Info' to show the member info in the map - not a must...
== Installation ==
Q: Does the plugin store customer location data permanently?
A: No, the plugin only attaches the location data to the specific order for delivery accuracy and does not store it elsewhere.