D(ifferent)P(lace) Simple Cache is a WordPress plugin to implement a simple cache of objects at session level.
dpwpsimplecache provides a global variable $dpcache, which is an instantiation of the class DP_Cache already set up to talk to the $_SESSION. Always use the global $dpcache variable (Remember to globalize $dpcache before using it in any custom functions).
If you don't want to track sessions into db set the $USE_DB_SESSION_MANAGER global variable to 0
$USE_DB_SESSION_MANAGER = 0; // default 1
Insert object;
Get object:
$object = $dpcache->set($key);
Count active users:
$count_users = $dpcache->get_sessions_number();
Count objects in the current user's $_SESSION:
Get all objects in the current user's $_SESSION:
Test if an object exist in the current user's $_SESSION:
Delete all objects. If the $all parameter is set to false the method delete only the current user's $_SESSION, if true truncate the entire table (default false):
Prints human-readable information about all objects:
Delete an object in the current user's $_SESSION:
Delete single session by ID:
Prints the number of active sessions:
<?php echo dpscache_active_users(); ?>
At any time, through the administrative page, you can:
- see all objects in the current user cache
- delete all objects in the current user cache
- force the deletion of all sessions
- force the deletion of a single session
You can find the latest release on