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Easy Digital Downloads - Specs

开发者 isabel104
更新时间 2020年8月30日 12:52
PHP版本: 3.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8-alpha-40397
版权: GNU Version 2 or Any Later Version
版权网址: 版权信息


custom fields edd easy digital downloads specs edd specs


0.3 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8 1.5.9 1.6 1.6.1 1.7 1.7.1 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1


This is an extension for Easy Digital Downloads that adds a Specs table table below your single download content (option to use it instead as a widget, and/or as a shortcode). The Specs table has these fields by default: You can leave a field blank to omit that row from the table. There are 2 exceptions to this.
  1. The Last updated date field, since leaving that field blank will disable the entire table.
  2. The Version field. This plugin is compatible with EDD Software Licensing plugin and with EDD Changelog Plugin. If EDD Software Licensing plugin is present, and you have enabled it for a download, that version will override this version in the Specs table on the downloads page. In that case, if you leave the Specs version field blank, the Specs table on the site will still show the version from EDD Software Licensing. So, EDD Specs plugin gives priority to the version entered in EDD Software Licensing plugin, then EDD Changelog Plugin, in that order. In addition to leaving fields blank, you can add code to add more rows to the table (see FAQs).
  3. It adds the "Current Version" of the download to the purchase receipt "Products" list (on EDD's edd_receipt shortcode). This is only if EDD Software Licensing plugin or EDD Changelog plugin is not active because those plugins will add their own version.
  4. It lets you enable the Specs table only for downloads that need it. See FAQ for details.


  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to "Plugins -> Add New", and search for "Easy Digital Downloads - Specs".
  2. Click to install and then Activate the plugin.
After Activating the Plugin When you are adding or editing a Download, you’ll see a box for “Specs.” Enter your specs for the product. Then, you’ll see the specs when you view the download on the front of your site.


  • Front-end: Specs table as shown on single download page
  • Front-end: Specs table as shown on single download page
  • Front-end: Specs table as shown on single download page
  • Front-end: Specs table as shown on single download page
  • Front-end: Specs table as shown on single download page


2.1 Fix: Shortcode was not working on pages. 1.8 Fix: Removing Product microdata now required use of new EDD filter. 1.7.1 Fixed the shortcode call which was giving errors. Thanks to Austin Passy. 1.7 Textdomain has changed to word with WordPress core language packs. 1.6 Bug fix: Specs table shortcode now works on any page or post. Updated FAQ. 1.5.9 New: shortcode to insert Specs table into posts. 1.5.7 New Specs widget so you can use it on the sidebar. Updated FAQ.


How do I add a custom field to the Specs?

See How do I add a custom field to the Specs?

How do I add Specs to the sidebar instead of below the content?

Use it as a widget instead. Go to Appearance --> Widgets to use the widget.

How do I insert the Specs wherever I want with a shortcode?

Paste this shortcode inside a post or a page where you want the Specs table to appear.: [edd-software-specs download_id="###"] in which the ### is the post ID of the download item. If you are using EDD's purchase_link shortcode for a download on a page, take the same id number from that shortcode.

How To Disable Specs For a Specific Download

Leave the Date of Last Update field empty. If that field is blank, no Specs table will show up for that download.

Does this plugin have more documentation?

See the full documentation.

How can I give back?

Please rate the plugin. Thank you.