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custom fields
Plugin Name
Gallery using PrettyPhoto, for use with Artwork when you would like to add the date, medium, dimensions and associated with a particular page.
Backend Custom Fields For Forms Management System
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF®)
ACF 通过强大、专业和直观的字段帮助定制 WordPress。ACF 为 200 多万个网站提供支持,深受 WordPress 开发人员的喜爱。
AutoNav Graphical Navigation and Gallery Plugin
Creates lists/tables of text/thumbnails/links to posts, pages, taxonomies, attachments, custom post types, image directories.
ACF Enhanced Message Field
Adds an enhanced version of the default Message field to accept PHP and certainly no wpauto().
Display custom fields in the frontend - Post and User Profile Fields
Display post and user custom fields data anywhere on the frontend using a shortcode, including advanced custom fields (ACF) fields.
Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields
Pods is a framework for creating, managing, and deploying customized content types and fields for any project.
Bizworx Tools
This plugin is used to register some of custom fileds for the Bizworx theme.
Plugin Name
Stylish Indexes for your WordPress Blog. Create alphabetical indexes of your posts, with headings, subheadings, and descriptions, based on post title, tags, categories, extract, author name, or custom fields.
Bogo translate ACF
This plugins works like a bridge between Bogo and Advanced Custom Fields to allow for translation of your Advanced Custom Fields with Bogo.
Boost your posts with Nzymes injections. Safely use PHP in posts' title, excerpt, and content. WordPress 4.7+ PHP 5.6+
Effortless Custom Fields :: ECF
World’s least confusing custom fields plugin.
Business Era Extension
Plugin to extend features of Business Era Theme. This plugin registers custom post types, widgets and custom fields for the Business Era theme.
Plugin Name
Allows you to export values of custom fields and info from The Events Calendar plugin into a CSV file.
Zedna Bulk Custom Fields Update
Change your post custom fields by bulk update.
Conditional Custom Fields Shortcode
Use custom field values in you pages or posts. With conditional supports which enables basic templating with custom fields.
CleanCodeNZ Exclude Pages Plugin
This is a plugin to hide pages from navigation and/or search results using custom fields, parent and child pages are supported too
CC Custom Taxonomy
Church Options
An all-in-one solution for churches to add the custom post types and custom fields they need for an effective website. Compatible theme required.
CC Travel