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Enhanced Custom Permalinks

开发者 Tor N. Johnson
更新时间 2014年9月24日 01:20
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0.1


redirect address permalink link url custom



This plugin is a fork of the Custom-Permalinks plugin. It has some expanded bug patches AND is able to interoperate with the WP-no-category-base plugin. This plugin will allow you to set permalinks in a more precise way - in short you can include sub-folders. A page could have the permalink without having to create the intermediate pages or categories aFolder/anotherFolder/. Be warned: This plugin is not a replacement for WordPress's built-in permalink system. Check your WordPress administration's "Permalinks" settings page first, to make sure that this doesn't already meet your needs. This plugin is only useful for assigning custom permalinks for individual posts, pages, tags or categories. It will not apply whole permalink structures, or automatically apply a category's custom permalink to the posts within that category.


  1. Unzip the package, and upload enhanced-custom-permalinks to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Edit any post, page, tag or category to set a custom permalink.


0.1.0 Initial Release 0.1.1 Patch Updates to allow the plugin to work with newer versions of php w/o warnings by removing calls to mysql_real_escape_string and replacing them with prepared statements.