Linux 软件免费装
Advanced Mailto Links
A simple way to enhance your mailto links with a convenient user interface.
Anon Links
Anonymiz, Anonymizer, Anonymous, hide referer, nofollow, target blank all external links.
Link Juice Keeper
Improve your SEO and keep your link juice by automatically redirecting all 404 errors to any page/post/url. User friendly options and log feature.
Auto twitter followers stay informed
Automatically tweets each new blog post directly to twitter. Get Top backlinks, inform your followers in real time, all on autopilot.
BAW AutoShortener
AutoShortener can create short links in your WordPress website for your posts and pages but also for external links.
As Nice Scroll
As nice scroll is a jquery plugin for WordPress site. This plugin will create a nice scrollbar for your site.
Filetype Icons
This Plugin add an filetype related icon to all your linked files in content, excerpts, comments and widgets.
Blocks Google Map
Integrate Google Map to your post using Gutenberg.
Anonymous Admin Links
Hide the referrer for external links in wp-admin using
Automatic Twitter Links
This plugin automatically converts Twitter usernames and hashtags to Twitter profile- and searchlinks in pages, posts and comments.
Auto Link Best Tags
This plugin improve the navigation of your blog by adding links to your post's content that match tags in use in your blog.
Plugin Name
== Description == = The #1 Internet Search Plugin on WordPress = Fast (Global CDN), secure (True SSL, TLS, & PFS), easy to use, and mobile optimized
Back to top scroll
Add back to top button to scroll from bottom to top.
Animated Buttons with CSS3
Animated Buttons with CSS3 for you to use in your post, you can use them to download buttons, buttons for hyperlinks (links), or for whatever you want
Auto-hyperlink URLs
Automatically turns plaintext URLs and email addresses into links.
Auto Link Tags
Create automatic links to your tags in your posts.
Automatically Remove Links From Posts
Automatically remove links from posts when they are published and keep the anchor text in tact.
Ads Manager WP/BB
Easy to use Wordpress plugin to insert any Ads to your posts and BuddyPress sections.
Plugin Name
This plugin automatically adds HTML anchor tags to plain text links and email addresses embedded in the content of posts and pages.