This plugin fixes a validation problem related with RFC 4685 atom feed extension: some validators (e.g., w3c) don't like the thr:total extension.
Therefore, this plugin fixes this problem removing the tag from the atom feed without any hack to wordpress code.
After long time, I'm ready to release the new version of my first WordPress plugin: Atom Fix.
This new version doesn't improve original plugin features, but make possible to use WordPress auto-upgrade functionality.
In order to support WordPress auto-upgrade functionality, the new versione is not compatible with the old one :( :
this happens because the original plugin was composed (effectively) from two plugins:
- EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) - Administrative GUI that manages my plugins' GUI;
and EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) - Atom Fix that is the true plugin.
In this new release EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) - Administrative GUI has been removed in favor of
EP Tools Plugins GUI) that has the same functionalities (and some others ;) ) and it's a standalone plugin.
This means that in order to config this plugin you need to download and install EP Tools Plugins GUI before.
You can find this plugin here:
In order to install this plugin, please follow the next steps:
remove EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) - Atom Fix, if it is installed;
- remove EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) - Administrative GUI;
- install EP Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) - Plugins GUI (if it has not been yet installed);
- copy the ep-tools-eros-pedrini-tools-atom-fix folder in the WordPress folder wp-content/plugins;
- active the plugin from the WordPress plugin interfece;
- configure the plugin using the interface under the Manage page in WordPress Administration.