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Fetch Tweets

开发者 Michael Uno
更新时间 2018年9月16日 23:14
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


feed widget timeline twitter tweets tweet

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It displays tweets in the sidebar, posts, and pages. It does not rely on JavaScript so the tweets will be displayed to visitors disabling JavaScript in their browsers. Not only can you show your own tweets but also the mashed up results of multiple user's timelines. It is easy to set up for WordPress beginners. It does not require you to provide authentication keys. Media files are automatically displayed such as YouTube videos and photos posted in tweets. You can disable them with the setting. It allows developers to write additional add-ons and templates. One of the extensions, Feeder, supports feeds so you can subscribe your favorite person’s tweets as RSS, which has become harder as the Twitter API was upgraded and the previous version no longer support tweet feed without authentication keys. With this addon, if you are a programmer, you can import the tweet data as JSON to your application by making the WordPress as own Twitter API server. If you are a theme developer, you can easily customize the template for the tweet outputs. Just copy the existing template and modify the copied files and rename the template name. Then place the copied folder into the theme folder. And there you go! Your own template will be listed in the plugin’s setting page. This way, when the plugin updates, you won’t loose your modifications. Features


  1. Upload fetch-tweets.php and other files compressed in the zip folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.,
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
How to Use
  1. Authenticate the plugin via Dashboard -> Fetch Tweets -> Settings ( -> Authentication ( the default tab ) ) -> the Connect button.
  2. Set a rule via Dashboard -> Fetch Tweets -> Add Rule by USer Name / Add Rule by Keyword Search.
  3. To use it as a widget, go to Appearance -> Widgets and add Fetch Tweets by Rule Set to the desired sidebar. And select the rule in the widget form.
  4. To use the shortcode to display tweets in posts and pages, simply enter the shortcode like below in the post, [fetch_tweets id="123"]
where 123 is the rule ID you just created. The ID can be found in the Fetch Tweets page in the administration panel. Go to the Other Notes section for more usage details.


  • ***Twitter Template (Dark) ***
  • ***Twitter Template (Light) ***
  • ***Tweets Displayed in Page and Sidebar***
  • ***Fetching Rule Listing Table***
  • ***Widget Settings***
  • ***Manage Templates***
  • ***Authentication***


Shortcode and Function Parameters The following parameters can be used for the shortcode or the PHP function of the plugin, fetchTweets() [fetch_tweets id="123"] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'id' => 123 ) ); ?> In order to set multiple IDs, pass them with commas as the delimiter. e.g. [fetch_tweets id="123, 234, 345"] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'id' => '123, 234, 345' ) ); ?> [fetch_tweets tag="WordPress"] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'tag' => 'WordPress' ) ); ?> In order to set multiple tags, pass them with commas as the delimiter. e.g. [fetch_tweets tag="WordPress, developer"] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'tag' => 'WordPress, developer' ) ); ?> [fetch_tweets tag="WordPress, PHP, JavaScript" operator="IN" ] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'tag' => 'WordPress, PHP, JavaScript', 'operator' => 'IN' ) ); ?> [fetch_tweets tag="developer" operator="NOT IN" ] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'tag' => 'developer', 'operator' => 'NOT IN' ) ); ?> [fetch_tweets q="#wordpress" lang="en"] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'q' => '#wordpress', 'lang' => 'en' ) ); ?> [fetch_tweets screen_name="WordPress,photomatt"] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'screen_name' => 'WordPress,photomatt' ) ); ?> [fetch_tweets id="456, 567" count="10" ] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'id' => '456, 567', 'count' => 10 ) ); ?> [fetch_tweets id="678" count="8" avatar_size="96" ] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'id' => 678, 'count' => 8, 'avatar_size' => 96 ) ); ?> [fetch_tweets id="678" twitter_media="0" external_media="1" ] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'id' => 678, twitter_media="0" external_media="1" ) ); ?> [fetch_tweets get="1" ] <?php fetchTweets( array( 'get' => true, ) ); ?> Then access the page that has the shortcode or the page by passing the arguments in the url. http://your-site.domain/page-slug/?screen_name=miunosoft http://your-site.domain/page-slug/?q=wordpress How to Create Own Template Step 1 Copy the folder named plain or single in the plugin's template folder. Rename the copied folder to something you like. Step 2 Edit the following files. In the style.css file, include the comment area ( with / / ) at the top of the file with the following entries. e.g. ` /** Include a thumbnail image. Prepare an image with the name screenshot.jpg, screenshot.png, or screenshot.gif, and place the image in the working(copied in step 1) folder. Step 4 Create a folder named fetch-tweets in the theme folder. If you use, for instance, Twenty Twelve, the location would be .../wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/fetch-tweets/. Place the working folder (the copied and renamed one in step 1) in there. The plugin will automatically detect it and the template will be listed in the Template page of the admin page. Optionally, a template can be added via a plugin. If you do so, add the template directory with the fetch_tweets_filter_template_directories filter hook. e.g. ` function FetchTweets_AddSampleTemplateDirPath( $aDirPaths ) { // Add the template directory to the passed array. $aDirPaths[] = dirname( FILE ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sample'; return $aDirPaths; } add_filter( 'fetch_tweets_filter_template_directories', 'FetchTweets_AddSampleTemplateDirPath' ); ` An example template is available here.


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