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Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - WooCommerce Checkout Manager

开发者 wpdesk
更新时间 2025年2月18日 23:38
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


custom fields woocommerce checkout checkout field customizer woocommerce checkout manager woocommerce checkout fields


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We think WooCommerce is the best ecommerce plugin for WordPress. But it lacks some very basic features like customizing checkout fields with a checkout manager in an easy to use interface. You can do it by hooks and filters but why bother if you can do it by Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - WooCommerce Checkout Manager. With this single page checkout plugin you can edit the default fields (change labels, hide, delete) or add your own checkout fields. You can set your own fields order. There are a lot of field types such as a checkbox field, a date field or a color picker field (some of them exclusively in the PRO version). Read on to see how easy it is to edit WooCommerce checkout fields with this plugin and how powerful it is. Faster checkout for more conversions 🛒 The Flexible Checkout Fields plugin is a free extension for editing the WooCommerce checkout page. Adjust the checkout with the right tool. It's easier than the WooCommerce checkout shortcode customization. You can download the plugin or try it in a free demo. WooCommerce checkout fields customizer ⭐ Use the free plugin to customize the WooCommerce checkout page without coding or additional snippets. Custom checkout design for better user experience. Key features ℹ️ The free plugin comes with the following options: Download the plugin → ✅ Edit and add checkout fields The plugin allows the field customization for existing and add new checkout fields. ✅ Remove (hide) fields You may disable some fields to make the checkout form lighter and faster. ✅ Arrange fields It's also possible to show fields in a custom order without custom coding. ✅ Make fields required or optional The plugin gives an easy way to set what fields should be mandatory. Screenshots → ✅ Field validation What's more, you can enable validation per field. ✅ Show fields on pages and in emails Each field has display options as well. ✅ Set labels, placeholders, and CSS classes Moreover, by using labels and placeholders, you can personalize the checkout form and make it more SEO-friendly. And you can customize the checkout layout and design using styles. Screenshots → Download the plugin → Flexible Checkout Fields overview You may also see the short video presenting the plugin features. [youtube] The free checkout page editor for WooCommerce 🚀 ★★★★★ Flexible Checkout Fields beautifully integrates with the WordPress dashboard. It is probably the best looking checkout field editor for WooCommerce on the market. And you can do some powerful stuff with it too. See some screenshots → Download the plugin → >>> Go to the FCF admin demo <<< - here you can test the admin panel of all WP Desk plugins including Flexible Checkout Fields Show or Hide Fields You do not need a customer's phone number or second line address? Just hide the fields from the checkout and you're good to go. This is just one click away. Decide to show it later? Just another click and the field shows again. You can validate email too and hide WooCommerce price. Add New WooCommerce Custom Checkout Fields Add WooCommerce additional fields to your checkout page with your new WooCommerce checkout customizer: Free Download the plugin → PRO Get all PRO features and priority e-mail support. ⭐[Upgrade to PRO →]( Well Documented We are proud of our docs. We spend a great deal of time to polish them and make them as complete as possible. Read Flexible Checkout Fields Docs → Support Policy We provide a limited support for the free version in the plugin Support Forum. Please purchase a PRO version to get priority e-mail support as well as all e-commerce features. ⭐Upgrade to PRO →
Get more WooCommerce plugins from WP Desk We provide premium plugins for customizing checkout, shipping, invoicing and more. Check out our premium WooCommerce plugins here → Free WooCommerce plugins →
🤔 How can I customize the WooCommerce checkout page? You can adjust the WooCommerce checkout page with custom checkout fields and this free customizer in a few moments 🚀! Read FAQ for detailed information about the plugin options. 🔀 Fields Order Just drag&drop to reorder checkout fields on the checkout page. You can reorder WooCommerce built-in fields as well as custom fields that you add yourself. Mix them any way you like or need. Simply customize checkout yourself. If other plugins add their custom fields in many cases you will also be able to rearrange them (if added properly by the plugin author). ✅ Field validation WooCommerce has built-in validation of a phone number, an email address (validate email) and a postcode. We let you use this validation in the new fields you add to your store using this plugin. Standard WooCommerce validation is not enough? You can add your own validation to any field you create in this plugin. You can find a code example in Flexible Checkout Fields docs → ❌ Required or Optional Fields This WooCommerce Checkout Editor will let you easily manage which fields should be required and which optional. Just click a required checkbox in the field settings and make a field required or optional. Works both ways. 🏷️ Labels and Placeholders Want to change Company name to just Company or Your Awesome Company? Just edit the label and it will instantly appear in the checkout page. Pro tip: You can also use HTML inside labels! Want to give your customers a tip on how to fill a checkout field? You can do it with an explanatory placeholder (it will show inside the field). For example Enter your full company name. 📃 Display Checkout Fields on Other Pages You can display the fields not only in the checkout page. Just mark a specific checkbox under the "Display On" tab as checked. You have 4 different locations to use: For custom fields, you may also decide about field formatting on pages/emails. ➿ Custom CSS Class Add some style to your fields. By adding a custom class to each field you can then uniquely style it in your theme's stylesheet. 🖥️ Use your meta names Are you a developer? You can set any meta name you want. This is the name of the field in the database. You can easily integrate this WooCommerce plugin for one page checkout with your custom code due to this function. 🌎 Multilanguage ready Flexible Checkout Fields (checkout manager) is compatible with WPML and Polylang and lets you translate fields data to other languages. ⭐ Custom Field Sections (PRO) Billing, Shipping or Order sections are not enough? Now you can add fields to 12 other checkout sections. Below you will find all sections and their corresponding hooks (hooks are just for developers' reference - if you do not know what hooks are, just ignore them and you'll be just fine - it will just work). ⭐ Conditional Logic for Fields (PRO) NEW: You can also use the PRO version of the plugin to show, hide, and set a field as required based on multiple conditions 🚀. We also give you the option to perform no action at all if one or more of the conditions you set is not fulfilled. For example, set a VAT field to be required if the customer selects the company checkbox or is from a specified country. You can also: Enable conditional logic (show, hide, set as required or perform no action) for fields based on: 🧩 Shipping Methods Enable conditional logic (show, hide, set as required or perform no action) for fields based on selected shipping method. 🧩 Payment Methods Enable conditional logic (show, hide, set as required or perform no action) for fields based on selected payment method. 🧩 Products and Categories in Cart Enable conditional logic (show, hide, set as required or perform no action) for fields based on products and/or categories in the cart, i.e.: 🧩 Cart value Enable conditional logic (show, hide, set as required or perform no action) for fields based on product value in cart. 🧩 Flexible Checkout Fields plugin fields Enable conditional logic (show, hide, set as required or perform no action) for fields based on other fields added with Flexible Checkout Fields. 🧩 Flexible Product plugin fields Enable conditional logic (show, hide, set as required or perform no action) for fields based on other fields added with Flexible Product Fields. 🧩 Default WooCommerce plugin fields Enable conditional logic (show, hide, set as required or perform no action) for fields based on default Woo fields. 🧩 User role Enable conditional logic (show, hide, set as required or perform no action) for fields based on the user role. 🧩 Date Enable conditional logic (show, hide, set as required or perform no action) for fields based on the date you select. This plugin is compatible with variable products. You can set many conditions (OR) under one or more condition groups (AND) for each field. The conditional logic feature will help you in advanced WooCommerce checkout page customization 🎉!
Upgrade to Flexible Checkout Fields PRO Get all PRO features and priority e-mail support. ⭐ Upgrade to PRO →
Flexible Checkout Fields in a nutshell Key features:


You can install this plugin like any other WordPress plugin.
  1. Download and unzip the latest release zip file.
  2. Upload the entire plugin directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress Administration.
You can also use WordPress uploader to upload plugin zip file in menu Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin. Then go directly to point 3.


  • Reorder WooCommerce checkout fields - customize the checkout page field order
  • Enable, or hide a field on the WooCommerce checkout page or make it optional or required
  • Show custom fields on pages and in emails
  • Add new custom fields to the WooCommerce checkout page
  • Form with fields available in the free version
  • General options for the Text field
  • General options for the Textarea field
  • General options for the Number field
  • General options for the E-mail field
  • General options for the Phone field
  • General options for the URL field
  • General options for the Checkbox field
  • General options for the Color field
  • Settings in the Advanced tab
  • Settings in the Appearance tab
  • Settings in the Display On tab
  • Add a custom text field to the WooCommerce checkout page
  • Text field settings
  • Appearance of the custom WooCommerce checkout field
  • Show a custom checkout field on other WooCommerce pages and in emails
  • Enable conditional logic per checkout field based on products in the cart, fields, and shipping methods (PRO)
  • Add a custom fee with the field pricing option on your WooCommerce checkout page (PRO)
  • How to add a custom field to the WooCommerce checkout
  • Make the WooCommerce checkout field optional
  • Set your WooCommerce checkout fields to be required
  • Use the plugin to make your WooCommerce checkout field as required
  • Give your WooCommerce checkout page field a CSS class
  • WooCommerce checkout email validation
  • Add radio buttons to the checkout with custom CSS styling
  • Let customers ask for WooCommerce invoices for their orders with conditional logic for custom fields (PRO)
  • Show the checkout field dynamically based on conditions (PRO)
  • Add a field for certain WooCommerce products or categories (PRO)
  • Hide checkout fields based on shipping methods (PRO)
  • Hide checkout billing fields like a phone number in WooCommerce
  • Remove required fields from the WooCommerce checkout form
  • Customize the WooCommerce My account page with new fields
  • Add new shipping fields to the WooCommerce checkout page and My account
  • Optional text field in the checkout
  • A custom field in the WooCommerce checkout (Shipping Address section)
  • Show custom checkout fields on the My account page
  • Manage the WooCommerce checkout (Order notes field)
  • Receive a customer purchase note in WooCommerce
  • Customize the fields around Order Notes with Custom sections (PRO)
  • Disable jQuery UI on the frontend
  • Customize the WooCommerce checkout page without hooks but using Custom sections (PRO)
  • WooCommerce checkout page hooks
  • Single Line Text field
  • Paragraph field
  • Checkbox field
  • Radio field (PRO)
  • Select (PRO)
  • Date picker field (PRO)
  • Time field (PRO)
  • Color picker
  • Headline
  • HTML field
  • Image field
  • Reorder WooCommerce checkout fields
  • Remove fields from the WooCommerce checkout page easily
  • WooCommerce checkout without address
  • Add the VAT number field to the WooCommerce checkout form
  • Customize the WooCommerce checkout page with custom fields
  • Show a custom field for specific WooCommerce products or product categories (PRO)
  • Phone number validation for a checkout field
  • Customize the WooCommerce checkout page with conditional logic for custom fields (PRO)
  • Custom WooCommerce checkout
  • Add radio buttons (PRO)
  • Custom date picker with advanced options (PRO)
  • Default field validation available in the plugin
  • Custom email validation for the WooCommerce checkout fields
  • Add an EU VAT number field to the WooCommerce checkout page
  • Use additional custom field validation for EU VAT numbers
  • EU VAT validation on the WooCommerce checkout page
  • Upload files on the WooCommerce checkout (PRO)
  • Multiple file uploads for the WooCommerce checkout (PRO)
  • Allow checkout upload for specific file types (PRO)
  • Add a custom message to the WooCommerce checkout page
  • Adding terms and conditions checkbox to the WooCommerce checkout
  • GDPR consent checkbox on the checkout page in Custom sections (PRO)
  • Install the checkout field editor for better WooCommerce UX
  • Customize your WooCommerce checkout page with custom fields and the checkout manager plugin
  • Additional pricing for WooCommerce fields (PRO)
  • WooCommerce checkout privacy policy or newsletter checkbox
  • Hide billing address fields in WooCommerce (PRO)
  • Advanced fields for Custom sections of the WooCommerce checkout page (PRO)
  • Custom terms and conditions checkbox for more checkout page sections (PRO)
  • I accept the privacy policy checkbox example in the custom section (PRO)
  • Build a quick order form with a custom WooCommerce checkout page
  • Radio with images (PRO)
  • Radio with colors (PRO)
  • Upload field (PRO)
  • WooCommerce checkout without most of the billing and no shipping address fields
  • Disable the default fields to speed up the WooCommerce checkout


If you are upgrading from the old WooCommerce Checkout Fields version (1.1, woocommerce-checkout-fields) make sure to completely delete the old version first. Your settings will be kept. If you install the new version without deleting the old one you may break your WordPress installation.


Where I can find the plugin docs?

The docs are located here: Flexible Checkout Fields Docs

How can I install this free WooCommerce checkout page customizer?

1️⃣ First, download the plugin. 2️⃣ Then, log in to your WordPress backend and go to the Plugins menu. 3️⃣ Finally, install the plugin by uploading it. You may also use the Plugins search bar to look for Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce 😊.

I have installed the plugin but I do not know where the plugin settings are

The plugin is available in the WordPress menu in the WooCommerce > Checkout Fields tab. The plugin menu is in the upper left corner and contains two items. The first is Settings where it is possible to turn on additional sections. The second item is Checkout Sections and clicking on it will show all sections enabled in the Settings tab.

Can I add custom field sections?

Yes, but you will have to purchase Flexible Checkout Fields PRO. Then, you'll be able to manage the specific section of the WooCommerce checkout page 😊.

How to add custom fields to the WooCommerce checkout page?

  • Step 1: Install and activate Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce.
  • Step 2: Go to your WordPress backend, open the WooCommerce menu, and click Checkout Fields.
  • Step 3: Choose the WooCommerce Checkout Section to customize.
  • Step 4: Manage, reorder, hide, show, or add custom fields to the WooCommerce checkout page.
  • Step 5: Use custom sections of the WooCommerce checkout page, more checkout fields, conditional logic, pricing per field, and additional options in PRO.
Read more on how to add custom checkout fields in WooCommerce →

What field types are available in the free version of the plugin?

Thanks to new custom fields in the free checkout field editor, you will design your custom WooCommerce checkout page much easier 🚀!

What additional field types can I use in PRO?

Additional custom fields will help you customize more advanced checkout page for WooCommerce 😊. Get all PRO features and priority e-mail support. Upgrade Now →

I am using this plugin to insert fields in another form but it does not work as it should

Our plugin supports fields on the Checkout page (hence its name). So the plugin will work if the form is on the page set in WooCommerce as Checkout. WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Checkout page Our plugin uses the Checkout subpage environment and WooCommerce purchasing mechanisms. These two conditions must be met. The plugin will not work if e.g. there is a quotation plugin that skips this purchasing process.

Could you give me a few examples of using the WooCommerce checkout fields editor?

1️⃣ First, you can customize the WooCommerce checkout page by hiding some fields ⭐. 2️⃣ You may also add more custom fields to adjust the WooCommerce checkout to your needs 🪟. 3️⃣ Or rearrange WooCommerce checkout fields with any coding knowledge 🎨. 4️⃣ You can design your WooCommerce checkout page to speed up customer purchases 🚀. 5️⃣ And finally, the plugin options let you see what WooCommerce checkout page is the best by fast field management 😊! The checkout fields manager for WooCommerce will help you when you want to:

  • Add custom fields and get more details from your customers about WooCommerce orders 🪟
  • Get feedback and specific information from customers 🗃️
  • Sell more by hiding checkout fields, for example, for digital products 💻
  • Speed up the WooCommerce checkout and thus lower the cart abandonment rate 🚀
  • Make some fields required, rearrange fields, or customize the WooCommerce checkout page layout & design 🎨

What are the differences between the free and PRO versions of the plugin?

In the PRO version of the plugin:

  • You have more types of custom checkout fields to edit your WooCommerce checkout page 🪟
  • It's possible to customize the WooCommerce checkout page with custom sections
  • You may use conditional logic to make your WooCommerce checkout dynamic 🚀
  • Field pricing can help you get additional income 💰
  • Also, you receive professional priority email support and latest features 😊
Get all PRO features and priority e-mail support. Upgrade Now →

How can Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce PRO help my store?

You can use new fields, conditional logic, pricing, and custom sections to further customize your WooCommerce checkout page ⭐! The PRO version of the plugin lets you build your custom checkout page in WooCommerce much easier. 1️⃣ First, you may set additional fees on the WooCommerce checkout based on customer choices 💰. 2️⃣ There is also more custom fields to choose from ⭐. 3️⃣ What's more, the conditional logic and custom sections will help you design your WooCommerce checkout page better 🚀. 4️⃣ Your checkout page will be dynamic and adjusted to your needs 🪟. 5️⃣ Finally, you will receive email support, so no more guessing how to edit the WooCommerce checkout fields 😊.

How does conditional logic work?

For any field, it is possible to set rules on when to show or hide a WooCommerce checkout field ✔️. It's also possible to set a field as required based on selected conditions. There are three types of this logic:

  • Conditional Logic for Fields
  • Conditional Logic for Products and Product Categories in the Cart
  • Conditional Logic for Shipping Methods
The plugin lets you set multiple conditions for each field with OR and AND condition groups. So, you can customize the WooCommerce checkout page with dynamic fields based on customer choices. Using the Conditional Logic option of Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce is available in PRO.

How does the field pricing option work?

The PRO version of the plugin lets you set the additional prices per WooCommerce checkout field 💰. You may choose the following options:

  • Fixed
  • Percentage of Subtotal (ex. VAT)
  • Percentage of Subtotal (incl. VAT)
  • Percentage of Total
The option to add a price is available for custom checkout fields:
  • Text
  • Textarea
  • Number
  • Email
  • Phone
  • URL
  • Checkbox
  • Multi-checkbox
  • Select
  • Multi-select
  • Radio
  • Radio with images
  • Radio with colors
  • Color
  • Date
  • Time
  • File Upload
Using the Pricing option of Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce is available in PRO.

What about custom sections?

Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce free lets you customize the Billing, Shipping, and Order sections 🪟. The PRO version of the plugin allows you to add and customize more sections of the WooCommerce checkout page. Cached sections in free:

  • Billing
  • Shipping
Non-cached sections in free:
  • Order
Cached sections in PRO:
  • Before Customer Details
  • Before Billing Heading
  • Before Billing Form
  • After Billing Form
  • Before Shipping Heading
  • Before Shipping Form
  • After Shipping Form
  • After Customer Details
Non-cached sections in PRO:
  • Before Registration Form
  • After Registration Form
  • Before Order Notes
  • After Order Notes
  • Before Payment
  • Before Submit
  • After Submit
  • After Payment
  • After Order Review
Read more about the Custom Sections in the plugin documentation → Using the Custom Sections option of Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce is available in PRO.

Can I test PRO options?

Yes 😊.

Go to the FCF admin demo <<<]( - here you can test the admin panel of all WP Desk plugins including Flexible Checkout Fields

Where can I find or read more about the plugin?

The docs are located here: Flexible Checkout Fields Docs Also, read the articles about WooCommerce checkout page customization 😊:

Do you have more free plugins for WooCommerce?

Yes 😊. Free WooCommerce plugins →

  • Flexible Product Fields - customize the WooCommerce product page with custom fields!
  • Flexible PDF Coupons - sell pdf gift cards, vouchers, and tickets in WooCommerce.
  • ShopMagic - a free email marketing plugin for WordPress and WooCommerce (with 5 free add-ons)! Create, customize, and send personalized emails to your WordPress users and WooCommerce customers.
  • Flexible Wishlist - let customers create product wishlists in WooCommerce, share favorite products, and save their carts for future shopping!
  • Dropshipping XML - Import Products - import and update WooCommerce products from any CSV or XML file.
  • Flexible Quantity - choose new units of measure for your WooCommerce products.
  • Flexible Invoices - issue free PDF invoices in WordPress and WooCommerce.
  • Custom Price - let customers name the WooCommerce product prices. Receive donations and sell products at custom prices.
  • Flexible Refund - manage refunds, returns, and warranty requests in WooCommerce.


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