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Flexible Product Fields (WooCommerce Product Addons) - WooCommerce Product Page Editor

开发者 wpdesk
更新时间 2025年2月11日 17:42
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce product addons woocommerce product options woocommerce custom fields woocommerce customize product woocommerce custom product


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The Flexible Product Fields plugin extends WooCommerce product options with WooCommerce extra product addons. It is a product page configurator that allows users to set a product tailored to their needs. Creating additional WooCommerce product fields in the management panel is very simple and gives a lot of options when making changes. See how to customize your WooCommerce products with extra fields, configurable options, and product add-ons 🚀! [youtube] Customize WooCommerce product pages You may use the plugin to add custom fields, extra options, and edit the WooCommerce product pages easily! Some examples of using WooCommerce extra product fields Areas where WooCommerce extra product options are shown WooCommerce custom product fields are visible on the product page in the area above or below the Add to Cart button (depending on the settings). WooCommerce product add-on will also appear on the Cart and Checkout page (as a summary - the extra product fields cannot be edited there) and in the dashboard in the Order Details. >>> Go to the FPF admin demo <<< - here you can test the admin panel of all WP Desk plugins including Flexible Product Fields FREE Main features of the FREE version of this WooCommerce product page configurator Fields available in the FREE version Read more to find out which WooCommerce Product Addons are there in the FREE version of Flexible Product Fields: * Text * Textarea * Number * E-mail (New feature) * URL (New feature) * Checkbox * Multi-checkbox (New feature) * Select * Multi-select * Radio * Radio with images * Radio with colors (New feature) * Time (New feature) * Color (New feature) * Heading (New feature) * Paragraph (New feature) * Image (New feature) * HTML (New feature) Assigning additional product fields in the FREE version It is possible to assign a group of custom fields to a specific product. PRO Main features of the PRO version Read more to find out what you can get in the PRO version of this WooCommerce product configurator: * Variable product support It's possible to add custom product fields for specific variations independently. The plugin allows searching products and each variation. On the product page, the custom fields will appear based on variation without reloading the page (AJAX). * Order Group Arranging field groups in order (read more) * WooCommerce custom price fields Assigning a fixed or percentage price (of on an initial price) to a field (read more) * Conditional logic for fields Setting rules for conditional logic based on the values of other preset FPF fields (read more) * Quick Support Providing fast and priority Helpdesk Support via email * Duplication Duplicating field groups (read more) Extra product fields available in the PRO version Assigning WooCommerce product extra fields in the PRO version: You may also choose to customize the custom fields for more WooCommerce products: Upgrade to Flexible Product Fields PRO Now →


You can install this WooCommerce product configurator like any other WordPress plugin.
  1. Download and unzip the latest release zip file.
  2. Upload the entire plugin directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress Administration.
You can also use WordPress uploader to upload plugin zip file in menu Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin. Then go directly to point 3.


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  • WooCommerce product configurator - best plugin
  • WooCommerce configurable product with custom fields
  • Add custom product fields in WooCommerce
  • Rearrange the WooCommerce single product page with custom fields
  • Custom product meta fields in the WooCommerce cart
  • Custom meta fields in the WooCommerce order screen
  • Additional custom product fields for WooCommerce products
  • Add extra product options for WooCommerce products
  • Add a checkbox to a WooCommerce product
  • Textarea input for WooCommerce products - gift message
  • How to add a text field to a WooCommerce product
  • Add an extra fee for gift wrapping option per WooCommerce product (PRO)
  • Engraving input field with a free WooCommerce product customizer plugin
  • WooCommerce product text input with additional field pricing (PRO)
  • Add a gift-wrapping option for WooCommerce products
  • WooCommerce product customizer - sell custom products
  • Custom fields settings for WooCommerce products
  • Advanced product fields in the WooCommerce cart view
  • Display custom product fields value in the WooCommerce order view
  • Install the free product configurator for WooCommerce
  • WooCommerce custom product fields with a free plugin
  • Assign product custom fields before the Add to Cart button
  • WooCommerce product with multiple options to select variations easier
  • Add a multi-select option per WooCommerce product
  • Custom variation select per WooCommerce product
  • Extra custom product options for WooCommerce - color, size, insurance
  • WooCommerce custom product builder with custom fields
  • Extra custom product options for WooCommerce - insurance with additional fee (PRO)
  • WooCommerce text area field on the product page - settings
  • Additional variation images for WooCommerce products
  • Use additional product images for products (WooCommerce variation alternative)
  • WooCommerce color swatches for products
  • Better product color picker for WooCommerce products
  • WooCommerce color picker for products
  • Custom radio buttons for a WooCommerce product
  • Radio buttons for additional product images
  • Multi-select option per WooCommerce product
  • Add multiple checkbox options to a WooCommerce product
  • WooCommerce terms and conditions per product
  • WooCommerce mandatory product fields - make a field required
  • Time picker for WooCommerce products - with additional pricing option (PRO)
  • Time picker for WooCommerce products - field settings
  • Time picker for WooCommerce products - advanced settings
  • Add additional heading per WooCommerce products - customize the product page layout
  • Add shipping cost per WooCommerce product (PRO)
  • WooCommerce shipping price per product - custom field settings
  • File upload on the WooCommerce product page (PRO)
  • WooCommerce custom price based on user input (PRO)
  • How to change product price in WooCommerce with custom fields and extra pricing (PRO)
  • Change product price dynamically in WooCommerce with custom fields and extra pricing (PRO)
  • Flexible product pricing in WooCommerce (PRO)
  • Conditional content for WooCommerce products based on a checkbox (PRO)
  • Conditional product fields and custom pricing for WooCommerce products (PRO)
  • WooCommerce variable product radio buttons with extra pricing (PRO)
  • WooCommerce product date picker (PRO)
  • Add custom cart item data in WooCommerce
  • WooCommerce product configurator - best plugin
  • WooCommerce configurable product with custom fields
  • Add custom product fields in WooCommerce


Update the plugin to get the current version compatible with the newest WordPress and WooCommerce.


How to use the plugin to customize WooCommerce products?

After installation, add a new group of custom product fields for your WooCommerce products. You can use dozen of product fields depending on your needs to customize WooCommerce products. Advanced product fields will give your WooCommerce customers more choices and increase the overall shopping experience 😊. The plugin works as your product customizer, configurator, and designer in one WooCommerce extension. Adding custom products in WooCommerce with the plugin is much easier and lighter compared to variations. What's more, you may edit every WooCommerce product page layout using fields (heading, paragraph, HTML) and CSS 🎨.

Can I add custom fields and customize all WooCommerce products?

Yes, you may choose all WooCommerce products to use custom product fields. Also, you can add different groups of product custom fields for selected products. In the free version of the plugin, you can select products one by one. Upgrade to PRO to choose all products or products with specific categories, or product tags.

What new elements can I add to the WooCommerce product page?

You may choose from a dozen of custom product fields:

In the PRO version of the plugin, you can also use: And additional pricing for custom product fields and conditional logic to boost the shopping experience for your WooCommerce customers. Upgrade to Flexible Product Fields PRO Now →

Is it possible to add custom fields for subscriptions?

Yes. You can add subscriptions in WooCommerce with custom product fields with Flexible Subscriptions.

Where can I find documentation?

All documentation is available on page Docs: Flexible Product Fields - WooCommerce.

How to get technical support?

We provide support for the free version in the plugin Support Forum. We answer within 72 hours. Please upgrade to PRO version to get priority email support.

Does FPF work with WooCommerce product varations?

A product can have variations and FPF fields set at the same time. All features of the free version are compatible with the product variations.

How to change the CSS of a specific field?

Go to field settings and assign a CSS class in the "CSS Class" input. Then go to the Appearance Customizer > Additional CSS tab and enter the custom CSS code using the assigned class.

How do I add a field to the Checkout page?

Flexible Product Fields is a plugin that inserts new WooCommerce custom product fields to the product page. Adding a field to the Checkout page requires another plugin named Flexible Checkout Fields. This plugin is a powerful tool when it comes to customizing the entire order.

Does the plugin support currency switchers?

The PRO version supports the currency conversion mechanism and works with the most popular plugins of this type:

  • Multi Currency for WooCommerce
  • Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
  • WooCommerce Currency Switcher The list of compatible plugins is growing and we are open to new integrations.

How to translate field names for multilingual website?

Our product will work with most other plugins supporting WooCommerce. Among them will be language plugins that support string translation:

  • WPML
  • Polylang
  • Loco Translate

Is it possible to assign a price to the FPF field?

Adding a fixed or percentage price is a killer feature when the product add-on affect its price. This option is available in the PRO version.

How to add a conditional field?

Conditional logic is a PRO version feature that can show one field if a specific value is selected in another field.

Why do I need this plugin?

In short, to customize your WooCommerce products with product custom fields and edit the layout of the product page. This extension will help you offer additional options, customizable products, and extra product fields, get customer feedback, and sell more in your WooCommerce store 😊. With flexible pricing for custom fields and conditional logic, you can sell custom products in WooCommerce much easier!

Do you have more free plugins for WooCommerce?

Yes. Check out our free WooCommerce plugins → You can also choose one from the list below based on your needs.

  • Flexible Invoices - issue free PDF invoices in WordPress and WooCommerce.
  • Custom Price - let customers name the WooCommerce product price. Use this plugin to receive donations or sell products with custom prices in WooCommerce.
  • Flexible Checkout Fields - add, remove, and manage custom fields on the WooCommerce checkout page. Customize checkout fields in WooCommerce easily.
  • Flexible PDF Coupons - sell pdf gift cards, vouchers, and tickets in WooCommerce (unlimited gift card templates).
  • Flexible Wishlist - let customers create product wishlists in WooCommerce, share favorite products, and save the cart for future shopping!
  • Dropshipping XML - Import Products - import and update WooCommerce products from any CSV or XML file. Update products easier or use to start selling dropshipping products in WooCommerce.
  • Flexible Quantity - choose new units of measure for your WooCommerce products.
  • Flexible Refund - let customers send refund requests in WooCommerce.
  • ShopMagic - a free email marketing plugin for WordPress and WooCommerce (with 5 free add-ons)! Create, customize, and send personalized emails to your WordPress users and WooCommerce customers.


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