[flipbook pdf="http://full-url/document.pdf"]
[flipbook pdf="http://full-url/document.pdf"]
to your post. Update the url in the shortcode to the URL you copied from your media library[flipbook pdf="http://online.flowpaper.com/publication"]
to your post. Update the url in the shortcode to the URL you copied from the desktop publisher[flipbook pdf="http://full-url/document.pdf" theme="light"]
Opening in a Lightbox overlay
You can display a cover of your publication and open it in a lightbox overlay by supplying the "lightbox" and "cover" parameters like this: [flipbook pdf="http://full-url/document.pdf" lightbox="true" cover="https://flowpaper.com/images/demo/zine-magazine@2x.jpg"]
Setting Header
You can modify the header that is displayed (default: "Loading viewer ...") by adding the "header" to the embed code like this: [flipbook pdf="http://full-url/document.pdf" header="Opening catalog..."]
Setting Publication Title
You can modify the publication title that is displayed (default: PDF title) by adding the "title" to the embed code like this: [flipbook pdf="http://full-url/document.pdf" title="Fashion catalog 2016"]
About FlowPaper
FlowPaper is a publishing platform that uses a number of technologies to bring your PDF documents to the web in the most beautiful friendliest ways possible.
For a full set of features and an unbranded viewer, please use the flipbook maker available at the FlowPaper home page. This plug in is built so that people can experience one of our pdf viewers as easy as possible.
[flipbook pdf="https://flowpaper.com/Paper.pdf"]
to page or post content (change the URL to a PDF file you want to show)It has a limitation of 15 megabytes for publications that are not hosted on FlowPaper cloud. Self hosted publications reaches the majority of devices and browsers. For full browser coverage and for more options on styling the viewer, please visit the FlowPaper home page.
[flipbook pdf="https://flowpaper.com/Paper.pdf" **lightbox="true"** **cover="https://flowpaper.com/images/demo/zine-magazine@2x.jpg"**]