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Beautiful image viewer gallery
This is a responsive beautiful image gallery. You can see each image with 10000% zoom and it has more features.
Check Memory Use
Memory Viewer is a WordPress plugin that allows you to view WordPress' memory utilization .
Plugin Name
Plugin Name
edocr Document Viewer
edocr Document Viewer is a document viewer that displays dozens of different file types on your WordPress website, without any additional software.
Marmoset Viewer
Marmoset Toolbag Web Viewer
GVSoft Photobox
Frame for viewing photos and pictures.
Plugin Name
This plugin allows simple embedding of
PDF Version
Create a PDF version of a webpage.
Awesome Quick Viewer for WooCommerce Lite
Market 360 Viewer
Market 360 viewer is a simplest way to put 360 products presentations on your Wordpress site.
PDF.js Shortcode
View pdf files by Mozilla pdf.js using simple shortcode.
Simple Responsive Ad Inserter
Insert responsive ads easily in posts, pages & widgets. Shortcode support. Seo Optimized. Beautiful. Easy to use. Fully customizable.
PDF Viewer Block for Gutenberg
A simple and 100% free Gutenberg Block to display PDF Viewers / Readers on your website.
Scribd Doc Embedder
Uses the Scribd API to embed supported Scribd documents (e.g. PDF, MS Office, ePub, and many others) into a web page using the Scribd Docs Reader.
Shutter Reloaded
Darkens the current page and displays an image (like Lightbox, Thickbox, etc.), but is a lot smaller (10KB) and faster.
Shutter Reloaded Plus
Darkens the current page and displays an image (like Lightbox, Thickbox, etc.), but is a lot smaller (8KB) and faster.
SlideShare Embeds for WordPress
Enables you to embed a SlideShare presentation just by putting its link in your WordPress post.
Music Sheet Viewer
« Music Sheet Viewer » plugin allows you to display and play, one or more music sheet written in MEI, MusicXML, ABC … in a WordPress page.