Linux 软件免费装

Font - official webfonts plugin of Fonts For Web. NO CODING! Just click & change font size, color and font face visually!

开发者 killerdeveloper
更新时间 2019年10月11日 01:47
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.8.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.3


ajax font fonts webfonts typekit web fonts fonts plugin google webfont TinyMCE plugin


7.1.9 7.3.0 7.3.1 7.4 7.5 7.5.1 7.2.0



Easy way
  1. Go to your dashboard > plugin > add > upload
  2. Choose downloaded plugin zip file and upload
  3. Activate plugin Alternative way
  4. Download and unzip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  5. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  6. Go to text editor == Frequently Asked Questions == == Screenshots ==
  7. General rules editing
  8. Post editing - select and apply styles == Changelog ==
5.00 Completely redesigned! Fixes fonts list not loading bug and introduces many other changes and improvements. 5.1 UPDATE! Fixed bug related to not applied font changes. New visual indication for mouseover when selecting items. Related items are now also highlighted. Few other minor fixes. 5.11 Like on facebook 5.12 Quick bugfix to prevent ttf file not found error 5.13 Fixed saving on overly restrictive hostings 5.14 Important compatibility fix for new ajax handling file 5.15 Drag things and change their position 5.16 Fixed plugin crashing and no fonts' list displaying 5.17 Added 3D text feature Click to select item A few bugfixes A few compatibility improvements 5.18 IE9 and 10 now displaying all fonts correctly. Added WOFF formats. 5.19 Fixed "PICK ELEMENT" fatal error, other minor improvements 5.20 No more silent crashes. Shows an error instead. New Like/Dislike buttons and contact form. 5.21 Pick element much more precise Cancel selecting mode button Key entry of selector 5.22 Legacy wordpress compatibility 3.1 but not fully 3.3.1 full support Small selecting tool tweaks 5.23 Added reset button 5.24 Disabled errors 5.25 Added version number when requesting js or css to make sure the latest files are downloaded. Browsers were serving cached old versions disregarding the update. 6.00 Moved main functions to thin top bar to reduce space taken 6.1 Compatibility fixes and errors on save shown instead of silent failure 6.11 Alerts when no selection made to give some guidance to the user 6.12 Added mime types htaccess for webfonts 6.13 Alert on api key error, and a new description. New rules in htaccess for compatibility. 6.14 Font files folder is now created by script not unpacked when installing. 6.15 Wordpress in subdirectory support added. This should fix saving problems on affected websites. 6.16 Fixed error of ajax error message "Font settings" can be only seen by admin not by any editor anymore "Save button" blinks after being clicked and becomes disabled what prevents from second clicking and losing settings 6.17 Removed facebook api support, like button was dropped long time ago Fade-in on first run 6.18 Connection check and error message displayed when can't connect 7.0 The biggest update and bug fixes compilation for "Font" plugin ever! -Completely new "effects" window with 3d text -New design, during work bar moved on top of admin bar to save space -warning when using an old browser which does not support effects and advanced options -notice when using very old Wordpress version -When the plugin is used for the very first time, only one button is shown to pick up an element and start the journey -Prevention of accidently leaving the page before saving changes Fixed: -warning instead of silent crash when file saving is disabled on user's server -deleting multiple presets is not causing problems any more -In selection mode when cancelling, a prompt window is not showing in a loop any more -Lots of other improvements and bug fixes for better overall user experience 7.1 Compatibility mode, which makes the plugin work even when some poorly written plugin is breaking jQuery Minor bug fixes 7.1.1 -Compatibility update for some restrictive hosting providers. -Ajax calls only to built in ajax PHP script -TinyMCE editor styles stored in a CSS file instead of pointing to PHP which generates CSS -htaccess file compatibility improved 7.1.2 -htaccess compatibility issue fix -css compatibity improvements 7.1.3 -htaccess mod 7.1.4 -Compatibility update with 3 alternative Ajax proxies 7.1.5 -Support for the latest fonts browser. Now blocked for older versions. -Like Yes/No button is back 7.1.6 -Fixed the problem with changes sometimes not being saved in post/page editing modes -Fixed version number in toolbar from hardcoded to be taken from variable -Numerous improvements for applying settings in post/page editing view 7.1.7 -Selecting mode bug fixes -Fixed pick an element button weird behaviour -Added WP Super Cache support(fixes bug with changes not being shown) 7.1.8 -Now compatibility mode runs if no "on" detected -fixed jCarousel conflict with other jCarousels -fixed crashing on undefined jQuery.browser 7.1.9 -Fixed launching compatibility mode when jQuery completely overwritten 7.2.0 -Fixed conflicted function name -Added activation tab 7.3.0 -Fixed sustainging values when changing preset -Refreshed design to be more flat -Minor tweaks here and there -added current font preview 7.3.1 -Fixed startup error 7.4 -Fixed lack of zindex -Added style presets 7.5 -Styles compacted -Styles bar doesn't show too early -Fixed bug with selection disappearing periodically -Removed fading animations -Added x button for easier preset removing 7.5.1 -Fixed PHP vulnerability


5.00 Completely redesigned! Fixes fonts list not loading bug and introduces many other changes and improvements. 5.1 UPDATE! Fixed bug related to not applied font changes. New visual indication for mouseover when selecting items. Related items are now also highlighted. Few other minor fixes. 5.11 Like on facebook 5.12 Quick bugfix to prevent ttf file not found error 5.13 Fixed saving on overly restrictive hostings 5.14 Important compatibility fix for new ajax handling file 5.15 Drag things and change their position 5.16 Fixed plugin crashing and no fonts' list displaying 5.17 Added 3D text feature Click to select item A few bugfixes A few compatibility improvements 5.18 IE9 and 10 now displaying all fonts correctly. Added WOFF formats. 5.19 Fixed "PICK ELEMENT" fatal error, other minor improvements 5.20 No more silent crashes. Shows an error instead. New Like/Dislike buttons and contact form. 5.21 Pick element much more precise Cancel selecting mode button Key entry of selector 5.22 Legacy wordpress compatibility 3.1 but not fully 3.3.1 full support Small selecting tool tweaks 5.23 Added reset button 5.24 Disabled errors 5.25 Added version number when requesting js or css to make sure the latest files are downloaded. Browsers were serving cached old versions disregarding the update. 6.00 Moved main functions to thin top bar to reduce space usage 6.1 Compatibility fixes and errors on save shown instead of silent failure 6.11 Alerts when no selection made to give some guidance to the user 6.12 Added mime types htaccess for webfonts 6.13 Alert on api key error, and a new description. New rules in htaccess for compatibility. 6.14 Font files folder is now created by script not unpacked when installing. 6.15 Wordpress in subdirectory support added. This should fix saving problems on affected websites. 6.16 Fixed error of ajax error message "Font settings" can be only seen by admin not by any editor anymore "Save button" blinks after being clicked and becomes disabled what prevents from second clicking and losing settings 6.17 Removed facebook api support, like button was dropped long time ago Fade-in on first run 6.18 Connection check and error message displayed when can't connect 7.0 The biggest update and bug fixes compilation for "Font" plugin ever! 7.1 Compatibility mode, which makes the plugin work even when some poorly written plugin is breaking jQuery Minor bug fixes -Completely new "effects" window with 3d text -New design, during work bar moved on top of admin bar to save space -warning when using an old browser which does not support effects and advanced options -notice when using very old Wordpress version -When the plugin is used for the very first time, only one button is shown to pick up an element and start the journey -Prevention of accidently leaving the page before saving changes Fixed: -warning instead of silent crash when file saving is disabled on user's server -deleting multiple presets is not causing problems any more -In selection mode when cancelling, a prompt window is not showing in a loop any more -Lots of other improvements and bug fixes for better overall user experience 7.1.1 -Compatibility update for some restrictive hosting providers. -Ajax calls only to built in ajax PHP script -TinyMCE editor styles stored in a CSS file instead of pointing to PHP which generates CSS -htaccess file compatibility improved 7.1.2 -htaccess compatibility issue fix -css compatibity improvements 7.1.3 -htaccess mod 7.1.4 -Compatibility update with 3 alternative Ajax proxies 7.1.5 -Support for the latest fonts browser. Now blocked for older versions. -Like Yes/No button is back 7.1.6 -Fixed the problem with changes sometimes not being saved in post/page editing modes -Fixed version number in toolbar from hardcoded to be taken from variable -Numerous improvements for applying settings in post/page editing view 7.1.7 -Selecting mode bug fixes -Fixed pick an element button weird behaviour -Added WP Super Cache support(fixes bug with changes not being shown) 7.1.8 -Now compatibility mode runs if no "on" detected -fixed jCarousel conflict with other jCarousels -fixed crashing on undefined jQuery.browser 7.1.9 -Fixed launching compatibility mode when jQuery completely overwritten 7.2.0 -Fixed conflicted function name -Added activation tab 7.3.0 -Fixed sustainging values when changing preset -Refreshed design to be more flat -Minor tweaks here and there -added current font preview 7.3.1 -Fixed startup error 7.4 -Fixed lack of zindex -Added style presets 7.5 -Styles compacted -Styles bar doesn't show too early -Fixed bug with selection disappearing periodically -Removed fading animations -Added x button for easier preset removing 7.5.1 -Fixed PHP vulnerability