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Bangla Font Fixer
ভেঙে যাওয়া বাংলা ফন্ট ঠিক করার উপায়
All-In-One Cufon
Wordpress plugin for easy font replacement.
Japanese font for WordPress(Previously: Japanese Font for TinyMCE)
Add Japanese font to Gutenberg and TinyMCE Advanced plugin's font family selections.
Better Font Awesome
The Better Font Awesome plugin for WordPress. Shortcodes, HTML, TinyMCE, various Font Awesome versions, backwards compatibility, CDN speeds, and more.
AGP Font Awesome Collection
The latest Font Awesome icons with HTML and shortcodes usage, dynamic visualizer for TinyMCE, promotion widget and other features in the one plugin
Bangla Font Fixer
বাংলা ফন্ট এর সকল সমস্যা থেকে মুক্তি পান। Eliminate all bangla font problem.
Change Font/-size
Change the size and style of fonts via Link.
Comic Sans Roulette
Randomly changes all fonts on your WordPress site to Comic Sans. You have a one in ten chance that all of your fonts will be Comic Sans.
Comfortable Reading
Версия сайта для слабовидящих пользователей.
TS Webfonts for さくらのレンタルサーバ
さくらのレンタルサーバで株式会社モリサワ提供の Web フォント 33 書体が無料で利用できるプラグインです。
WordPress plugin for unofficial Braille Institute founder font
Use Atkinson Hyperlegible font named after Braille Institute founder.
Custom Fonts For Beaver Builder
Customize Kirki Variants
Allow customize variants (font weights) for Kirki Typography field, Load All/Multiple font style.
Aria Font
Add new fonts to wordpress.
Dynamic Font Replacement DFR4WP EN
Use your own ttf- or otf-fonts with wordpress. Seo-friendly, fast and easy. The sourcecode of your site will be not modify.
eFont Size
Adds 3 links to the page to resize,and reset, text size.
Simple Font Resizer
Just Install and click to resize your font plugins. Simple but flexible.
Esta Kit
Esta Kit is a lightweight customizer field generator plugins. Using this plugin you can create an customizer settings from your theme via filter.
GD WebFonts Toolbox Lite
Easy way to add Web Fonts (Google and Adobe) to standard and custom CSS selectors, with preview, styling builder, use of Google Webfont Loader.
Font - official webfonts plugin of Fonts For Web. NO CODING! Just click & change font size, color and font face visually!
Finally official* web fonts plugin for wordpress. CLICK ON ANYTHING TO CHANGE IT(see screenshots)! Then change color, size and font face using sliders and color picker!