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Plugin Name

开发者 kontur
更新时间 2021年3月29日 02:22
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.7
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


preview shortcode font fonts typeface


0.1.3 0.1.4 0.1.5 0.1.7 0.2.0 0.2.1 0.2.2 0.2.3 0.2.4 0.2.5 0.2.6 0.3.0 0.3.1 0.3.3 0.3.4 0.3.5 0.3.6 0.3.7 0.3.8 0.4.0 0.4.1 0.4.12 0.4.2 0.4.4 0.4.5 0.4.6 0.4.7 0.4.8 0.4.9 0.1.1 0.1.2 0.1.6 0.3.2 0.4.13 0.4.14 0.4.3 0.1.0


This is a plugin directed primarily at type designers, lettering artists, foundries or resellers using Wordpress to showcase their fonts without the need for coding knowledge. The plugin allows you to embed interactive webfont specimens on your site via shortcodes. Users can preview, type with, and switch the webfonts in a preview, as well as use other interface options to manipulate the font sample. After installing the plugin and creating a Fontsampler, you are able to showcase a set of webfonts by adding a simple [fontsampler id=123] shortcode to any page or post. More information and clickable examples available on the plugin website. Features include:


The easiest way to install is going to: Plugins > Add new > Search for "Fontsampler" and install from there. Alternatively you can:
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/fontsampler directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. In the admin sidebar go to Fontsampler to upload font files and create your Fontsamplers


  • The Fontsampler plugin comes with plenty of customizable options to tweak the appearance and interface of your webfont previews
  • You can go minimal on the UI, or even without any options at all
  • The main elements of the UI can be styled site-wide from the settings
  • Manage your typeface samples via the admin panel
  • Settings for many defaults can be tweaked to your site's needs
  • This is how you include a Fontsampler in a page or post: Simply add the shortcode for the created Fontsampler to your text


Is the Fontsampler plugin free?

Absolutely. Fontsampler is free to use Open Source software developed by Johannes Neumeier of Underscore Type. You can use it for personal as well as commercial websites. A big portion of the initial development has been funded via an IndieGoGo campaign (see the About tab in the plugin) and you can support development by donating to the plugin development (there is a link in the plugin page sidebar).

Can I control which user interface elements are visible?

Absolutely. You can enable and arrange each interface element for every Fontsampler. You can set custom styles and options for all Fontsamplers on your site, or customize them for each Fontsampler individually.

Do I have to configure each Fontsampler if I have several?

You can update site-wide settings for layout, features and styling that get applied to all Fontsamplers. All of those options can also be overwritten for each individual Fontsampler, so you can have more customized styling for some previews.

What webfont filetypes are supported?

Currently only the WOFF format is supported, and support for WOFF2 will hopefully soon follow. Legacy webfont formats EOT and TTF are being phased out beginning with version 0.4.0.

Does the plugin support displaying non-latin fonts?

Absolutely. You can display your fonts' names in any script you wish to, so you don't have to use PostScript names for your font display (your fonts do, however, need to have ASCII PostScript names in them to technically work). Right to left scripts are equally supported, and support for right to left scripts has been added to the backend as well.

Can I use the plugin with theme or plugin X?

The plugin is coded to best Wordpress standards. Using it with any theme or plugin should work. If you encounter any problems with a particular theme or plugin please post in the support forum.

How can I integrate the plugin with my e-commerce solution?

You can use the shortcode anywhere on your Wordpress site, so adding it to the description fields of your e-commerce plugin (e.g. WooCommerce and the like) will let you display the Fontsampler there. For more advanced users / developers you can trigger the shortcode programmatically and pass in what font files to use dynamically.

Can you preview OpenType features in the tester?

That is possible, you only need to activate the corresponding user interface element and Fontsampler will automatically detect all available OpenType features from the provided webfont files. Using and testing locl features is implemented via a separate language dropdown.

Are there any specific requirements for using Fontsampler?

Fontsampler works with PHP 7.0.0 or higher. PHP is free software and does not require any license other than the open source licenses shipped with it. Those versions of PHP are also required for security reasons aside from Fontsampler, so keeping those up to date is a good idea either way.

Are my web fonts secure when displaying them with Fontsampler?

Fontsampler uses web font technology to render and display fonts. These font formats are designed for usability, not security. And as such, the web font files are loaded onto the users machines just like they would on any other website that uses web fonts. Fontsampler makes no attempt at scrambling or obfuscating the web fonts served. Tech savy users can download those web fonts and reverse engineer them into working Opentype files. If you are concerned about your intellectual property it is recommended to only use limited charset and feature demo web font files.

Why are font styles from the drop down are not switching in the preview

Fontsampler relies on the information in the uploaded webfont files. As such, it will extract font names, style names and weights from the files (even if you set a different display name), and the browser will use these attributes to switch the preview font. If you have fonts in the same Fontsampler that are not explicit the browser fails to switch them. Make sure font family names, weights and italic flags are set in your font editor when exporting the web fonts. Additionally, some special cases like stencil, outline etc. variants might need that you give them a distinct family name from the regular, e.g. "Myfont regular/bold/italic/etc." and "MyfontStencil regular/bold/italic/etc." - you can still overwrite their display name after uploading them.

I'm a developer, how can I further customize and integrate the plugin to my site?

The Github repository has more documentation about available PHP hooks and Javascript callbacks. For example you can dynamically trigger the shortcode and pass in fonts or react to the Fontsampler finishing to load. Overwriting Fontsampler specific CSS in a theme should be trivial and provide more options than the Backend user interface. You can also style specific instances by their class .fontsampler-interface.fontsampler-id-xxx. If you are missing a feature or hook, let me know in the support forum.


0.4.13 0.4.12 0.4.10 & 0.4.11 0.4.9 0.4.7 & 0.4.8 0.4.6 0.4.5 0.4.4 0.4.3 0.4.1 & 0.4.2 0.4.0 0.3.7 & 0.3.8 0.3.6 0.3.1, 0.3.2, 0.3.3 0.3.0