GDPress is providing tools for privacy and more.
Major features in GDPress include :
- a privacy request form
- a menu in the admin_bar to see at once confirmed privacy requests
and since version 2.0 a set of tools to help you comply with GDPR
- a set of protection and wellness tools, because protecting personal data starts with a healthy and protected installation to prevent potential data breach.
- a RoPA assistant to help you building your Records of Processing Activities - a GDPR obligation (Article 30).
- a logging of all events related to export/erase requests by/for the data subject (see settings page).
- a specific wp role for dpo.
- and a dedicated Privacy/GDPR/ISO27701 dashboard for your d.p.o. !
GDPR compliancy is a never ending process.
Upload the GDPress plugin to your blog, Activate it.
To set up the privacy request form you can :
- Replace your comment form on the privacy policy page by a request form.
** copy two files in your wordpress theme folder :
*** a page template
*** a file template
- Maybe a quick and fast adaptation to your theme : 9 samples are provided in gdpress/gp-content/themes
The last 3 options (yes 3) are identical with a nice animation using the same code in the background :
3. a widget
4. a shortcode [gdpress]
5. or <?php if ( class_exists( 'GDPress' ) ) GDPress::form(); ?>
And a lot of options to take control of your installation
- Visit the settings page and read the help.
= 2.0.1 = 2020/09/10
css compatibility with wp 5.5
hulu not a oembed provider anymore
bug fix on GDPress role
= 2.0 = 2020/05/25
More options and advices to reach a better GDPR compliancy
= 1.1 = 2020/02/09
Changing some admin urls
= 1.0 = 2019/04/10