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Genesis Layout Extras - Default Layouts in Genesis for WordPress

开发者 daveshine
更新时间 2019年11月13日 07:42
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.3
版权: GPL-2.0-or-later
版权网址: 版权信息


post page search 404 error 404 page attachment bbPress layouts layout genesis CPT genesiswp agentpress deckerweb genesis framework layout manager singular taxonomoy AgentPress Listings


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6.0 1.7.0 2.0.0 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2


Among the Top 10 most downloaded Genesis plugins ever :) Thank you! 👉 Set Default Layots in Genesis With this lightweight plugin for the popular Genesis Framework you can very easily modify the (registered) default layouts for homepage, singular pages (for posts and pages), various archive sections, author pages, attachment pages, search results pages, the 404 page - all done via a new admin settings page. Just look for it at the submenu: Genesis > Layout Extras. Also, you can optionally add Layouts meta box support for post types inpost screens which don't have it yet. Plus, Genesis Archive Settings for post types could be enabled as well. As a smart bonus the plugin also includes the layout setting for the bbPress 2.x forum plugin which itself is compatible to Genesis. Also added is the layout setting for other plugins from the Genesis ecosystem or other third-party authors: for example AgentPress Listings which includes the custom post type 'listings' and the taxonomy 'features'. Just have a look on the below listings for full explanation. Please note: The plugin requires the Genesis Theme Framework (GPL-2.0+), a paid premium product released by StudioPress/ WPEngine, Inc. (via 🎬 Video of Plugin's Settings Walkthrough (v2.0.0): [youtube] original video link by plugin developer David Decker 🌁 Regular WordPress Sections for a Default Layout Setting 🔌 Plugins: Supported Custom Post Types set by Plugins 🤠 Child Themes: Supported Custom Post Types set by Child Themes 🌎 Translations 🚀 Personal Note from Developer (2018) Please note, this plugin lives on, it is far from "dead"! I could not maintain it the last 5 years (August 2013 until August 2018), as I had personal issues keeping me from it. However, the plugin worked very well in almost all cases over the years, that is due to the super stable Genesis Framework. UPDATE Is Out! Yes, the update v2.1.0 is finally out (you are on its readme just now). The plugin will get further maintenance and development. 🌟 Be a Contributor If you want to translate, go to the Translation Portal at You can also contribute code-wise via our Genesis Layout Extras GitHub Repository - and see where you can help. 😁 Liked Genesis Layout Extras Plugin? ♥ This Plugin ... ⏰ Recommended Time Saver Try Toolbar Extras for Genesis my other great plugin for Site Builders and admins: Building sites with Genesis or Elementor or both? Your work will get easier & faster with Toolbar Extras. With extended plugin & theme support baked right in. Of course, "Genesis Layout Extras" is integrated as well :) 🔌 Check out my other Genesis Plugins


🚀 Minimum Requirements 🚀 We Recommend Your Host Supports at least: 🚀 Installation
  1. Install using the WordPress built-in Plugin installer (via Plugins > Add New - search for genesis layout extras), or extract the ZIP file and drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. In your left-hand Genesis Theme Settings > Layout Extras, setup your default layouts and you're good to go :).
  4. General usage: Set layout options DIFFERENT from the Genesis default for special sections.
🎬 Video of Plugin's Settings Walkthrough (v2.0.0): [youtube] original video link by plugin developer David Decker Choose from one of the following layouts 1) Up to 6 default layouts of Genesis - when registered: 2) Currently up to 9 additional layouts of this plugin (Genesis Layout Extras): *) = Not with my "Genesis Prose Extras" plugin - that brings those layouts on its own, but with more optimized CSS :) PLEASE NOTE: These 9 additional layouts were added in 2013 under a different situation of the overall market and Genesis. Looking back it was a mistake to do that, as the whole CSS for Child Themes is just unmanageable! Therefore the support for these layouts cannot and will not be given any longer! But rest assured: for backwards compatibility and for the users that somehow used them, I will keep their registering functions and their CSS in the plugin for as long as possible. However, I might be hide the options from the settings page in the future (again this will not affect your usage!). To be clear: I will NOT remove features that were in it for 5 years and of course are used in the wild. I serve my users and the community. But please understand that I cannot longer offer support in any way for THESE ADDITIONAL layout options. You can always register your own options and maintain the CSS for your special use case. No problem at all! :-) --- Thanks for your support! Additional Post Type Support:


  • Example of activated alternate layout options - that are also hooked into the inpost edit screens layout options meta box! :) (The same on Genesis Theme Settings!)
  • Example of activated "Genesis Archive Settings" for a post type - for "Portfolio" in this example here
  • Plugin settings page - introductory section
  • Settings meta box for additional layout options - up to nine (9!) are possible! :)
  • Settings meta box for additional post type support - for public post types and/or ones with 'archive' support
  • Select a default layout option for various sections, CPTs etc. -- via the drop-down menu
  • Set a default layout option for lots of WordPress' default cases/ pages/ views
  • Supported custom post types by plugins -- just an example with Easy Digital Downloads and bbPress 2.x (there are many more included, see 'Description'!)
  • Supported custom post types by child themes -- just an example for "Executive 2.0" child theme (there are many more included, see 'Description'!)
  • Plugin settings are hooked into the Genesis Exporter feature for easy export & import of plugin settings! :)
  • Manage the display of the settings page meta boxes via "Screen options" tab on top right corner
  • Help tab system included on the plugin's settings page - tab on top right corner
  • Example of activated alternate layout options - that are also hooked into the inpost edit screens layout options meta box! :) (The same on Genesis Theme Settings!)
  • Example of activated "Genesis Archive Settings" for a post type - for "Portfolio" in this example here
  • Plugin settings page - introductory section
  • Settings meta box for additional layout options - up to nine (9!) are possible! :)


2.1.2 Now with WordPress 5.2 Site Health integration first pass. - Update highly recommended! 2.1.1 Major release: Back in life :-) - 3 new Genesis-plugins supported. Lots of improvements, tweaks and fixes. - Update highly recommended! 2.1.0 Major release: Back in life :-) - 3 new Genesis-plugins supported. Lots of improvements, tweaks and fixes. - Update highly recommended! 2.0.0 Major additions & improvements: Additional layouts, post type support, Genesis 2.0/HTML5 support, code refresh & improvements. Updated existing translations plus .pot file for translators. 1.7.0 Several additions & improvements: Added settings export. Extended child theme support. Improved bbPress support. Updated existing translations plus .pot file for translators. 1.6.0 Maintenance release: Extended child theme support for 'Portfolio' post type. Minor code updates & improvements. Updated all existing translations plus .pot file for translators. 1.5.0 Maintenance release: Added plugin support for "Sugar Events Calendar" (premium). Minor code updates & improvements. Updated all existing translations plus .pot file for translators. 1.4.0 Maintenance release: Minor code updates & improvements. Added new Hindi translation, updated all existing translations plus .pot file for translators. 1.3.0 Major additions & improvements: Added a new layout option; extended plugin & child theme support. Performance & code optimization. Updated all translations plus .pot file for translators. 1.2.0 Several changes - Bugfix regarding theme changes and Multisite installs. Updated help system to fit better into WordPress 3.3. Added Italian translation. Other minor tweaks and improvements. Also updated German translations and .pot file for all translators. 1.1.0 Several changes - Enhanced homepage and date archive settings, improved info, help and documentation texts (contextual help and plugin's readme.txt). 1.0.0 All changed - Actually a whole new plugin, updated all over the place. Also the plugin name and authorship changed.


2018: Still Support for the additional layout options?

PLEASE NOTE: These 9 additional layouts were added in 2013 under a different situation of the overall market and Genesis. Looking back, it was a mistake to do that, as the whole CSS for Child Themes is just unmanageable! Therefore the support for these layouts cannot and will not be given any longer after December 18th, 2018 (which is the release date of v2.1.0 the "back to life" version)! But rest assured: for backwards compatibility and for the users that somehow used them, I will keep their registering functions and their CSS in the plugin for as long as possible. However, I might be hide the options from the settings page at some point in the future (again this will not affect your usage!). To be clear: I will NOT remove features that were in it for 5 years and of course are used in the wild. I serve my users and the community. But please understand that I cannot longer offer support in any way for THESE ADDITIONAL layout options. You can always register your own options and maintain the CSS for your special use case. No problem at all! :-) --- Thanks for your support!

Why up to 9 new layout options, aren't the default one's enough?

Good question, hehe :) -- Since you are absolutely not forced to use the new options you can disable all and set the settings meta box to not display (via "Screen options" tab on top right corner), so you won't even see them on the plugin's settings page. If, however, you want some new - simplyfied or tweaked - flavors of existing layouts, then you might try one of the new options. So for example, the "Primary below Content" layout option is perfect for minimalistic one-column sites. Or the "Sidebars below Content" is great for content-oriented blogs and/or sites that want to drop the bloat from the SIDEbar and only offer a bit more stuff below the main content - in a nice 2-column outfit.

I don't see the new layout options in the plugin settings, what's up?

This could only be the case if your child theme (or another plugin or some code snippet...) has un-registered both Genesis default sidebars. Those two are needed for the layout options, so, if they are not there, you just cannot see and use my plugin's layout options.

Are the alternate layouts responsive?

Yes, they are! All is working like it should with minimal additions on CSS style rules (only what's really needed).

Help, the new layouts look not good on my site (CSS...), what can I do?

This may depend on the used CSS rules loaded via the plugin. Those rules are NOT based on specific child themes but use a "middle-of-the-road" general concept that is based on percentage CSS values. This way I can save a lot of (child theme specific) overhead. This approach may work with a lot of the official child themes by StudioPress. Sure, not all! Just try, and if needed, add additional CSS rules to your child theme style sheet to tweak the plugin styles. Also, you are free to not load the plugin styles at all (see plugin settings!). In that case you might add completely custom CSS styles to your child theme (or wherever, via another plugin or what...).

I only see 3 layouts in the select drop-down where are the others?

This means that your current active Child Theme or a plugin (or even some code snippet...) has unregistered some layouts. The select drop-down field of this plugin only represents what was registered before - this being the case via Genesis itself or a Child Theme or plugins. Note: The most recent "Sample" Child Theme from StudioPress, and many other newer Child Themes, only come with three (or even 2 only) layout options.

You can modify the layout of the plugin's AgentPress Listings post type. What does this mean?

Nothing spectacular, you just can set the layout option for the archive pages of the "listings" post type, plus for all terms of its built-in "features" taxonomy. - Of course, the plugin (and so the setting in there) could be used with the AgentPress child theme and also with any other Genesis child theme, so this setting might come in really handy ;-).

I noticed that some (layout section) settings have no effect at all, what happens here?

This has to do with priorities. In general, if there's a template for a specific page (archive) type, for example image.php for image attachment display, then Genesis & WordPress will always use that first for the content output AS LONG AS there's an layout setting function or filter in there. Only if there are no templates with layout settings found, the layout option settings will take full effect. So, if our example image.php has a layout filter set in this then has the higher priority. But if there's no layout filter in there then the plugin's layout setting will take effect! - Well, if you experience such cases just leave these fields on "Genesis Default" and you're good to go :-). (You might call that a limitation of the plugin or whatever but that's the intended behavior of WordPress & Genesis.)

What does the Additional Post Type support do?

Nothing spectacular... a) It just would add the inpost metaboxes of Genesis for layouts (whoa!), SEO (only if no SEO plugin is used) and Scripts (since Genesis 2.0+). --- That only works for post types that are "public" which means, viewable on the frontend! b) Also possible, is the activation of the new Genesis Archive Settings (for post types; since Genesis 2.0+). So you can for example, edit the Archive Page Title, SEO Options and Layout Options for a 'download' archive page (or a 'books' archive, 'portfolio' archive...). --- That only works for post types that are "public" which means, viewable on the frontend AND have support enabled for 'has_archive' => true in their post type registration! Note: The layout settings for archives done via these Genesis Archive settings and/or the content archive settings of THIS plugin do just the same. So you decide which one you use. Nothing could break, and it does no harm. So, enjoy your content archives (settings)!

What means Reset of settings?

a) Layouts: Actually it just restores the default layout setting which is always defined in regular layout settings on the Genesis Theme Settings page. b) All other settings are set to their default state.

Which settings are effected when doing a reset?

ALL available options are resetted to their defaults! So if you for example only want to reset one option and leave all other as they are then only change this one section and then click the SAVE button and you're done.

Is this plugin Multisite compatible?

Yes, it is! :) Works really fine in Multisite invironment - here I just recommend to activate on a per site basis so to load things only where and when needed.

In Multisite, could I "network activate" this plugin?

Yes, you could. -- Still, a per site use is recommended. -- Network activation makes the most sense if all sub sites are using Genesis! On the other hand, if your Multisite install has 10 sites and only 3 may run with Genesis, network activation is not recommended!

How could I add my own layout option to the select drop-down menu?

That's possible since plugin version 2.0.0! Handy feature for custom child theme development as well as for plugin developers, hehe :) Just use this sample code and modify/ enhance to your needs: ` /**

add_action( 'gle_layouts_drop_down', 'custom_gle_select_layout_option', 10, 1 ); /* * Helper function to add additional markup to select drop-down. * @uses ddw_gle_layout_select_option() * param string $gle_layout_option / function custom_gle_select_layout_option( $gle_layout_option ) { ddw_gle_layout_select_option( 'my-custom-layout-type-id', // layout ID __( 'My Custom Layout Name', 'your-text-domain' ), // layout label name '#990000', // background color in drop-down $gle_layout_option // internal variable - DO NOT delete! ); } // end function } // end if `

How can I remove the Export/ Import Info meta box?

Just add this line of code to your child theme's functions.php file, a functionality plugin or snippet management plugin: /** Genesis Layout Extras: Remove Export/ Import Info meta box */ define( 'GLE_NO_EXPORT_IMPORT_INFO', TRUE );

How can I completely remove the 'Header+Nav/Content/Sidebar' layout option?

It's possible, yes, just add this line of code to your child theme's functions.php file, a functionality plugin or snippet management plugin: /** Genesis Layout Extras: Remove HNCS layout option */ define( 'GLE_NO_HNCS_LAYOUT_OPTION', TRUE ); All the custom & branding stuff code above can also be found as a Gist on GitHub: (you can also add your questions/ feedback there :)

More info on Translations?

  • English - default, always included
  • German (de_DE): Deutsch - immer dabei! :-)
  • All other user-submitted translation see at language packs overview page
  • For custom and update-safe language files please upload them to /wp-content/languages/genesis-layout-extras/ (just create this folder) - This enables you to use fully custom translations that won't be overridden on plugin updates. Also, complete custom English wording is possible with that as well, just use a language file like to achieve that (for creating one see the following tools). Easy plugin translation platform with GlotPress platform: Translate "Genesis Layout Extras"...
Note: All my plugins are internationalized/ translateable by default. This is very important for all users worldwide. So please contribute your language to the plugin to make it even more useful. For translating and validating I recommend the awesome "Poedit Editor", which works fine on Windows, macOS and Linux.

Additional Info

Stay in the Loop: Join our thriving community of Site Builders - My Newsletter will bring you insider infos for Genesis Layout Extras plugin, as well as my other Genesis/ WordPress plugins, plus tutorials and other useful stuff. Security: The plugin uses the Genesis Sanitization class for checking and filtering all custom inputs. Further, the plugin uses WordPress and Genesis Framework APIs and coding standards to the highest possible extend. Just to make sure you get a quality, future-proof product. Idea Behind / Philosophy: I had liked the general approach of the former plugin (I forked from) - which provided a simple and great way to set a few needed options. Since it seemed no longer to be developed and updated I just decided to make a fork of it and add some additional functionality like setting the layout setting for the (awesome!) bbPress 2.x forum plugin in Genesis. And, I wanted this all on an extra options page, divided from the general Genesis settings because that is much more user friendly IMHO. In addition I added full inline documentation including the contextual help function provided by WordPress itself to create a more seamless user experience.


Among the Top 7 most downloaded Genesis plugins ever :) (For many years it was even in the Top 7!) Thank you all users for using it over all these years and all translators to make the plugin accessible for a bigger audience! Thanks for all user feedback that led to improvements in the plugin! Big thanks to all Genesis users, developers and bloggers who reviewed the plugin on their websites/ blogs! Credit where credit is due: This plugin here was first based on the work of WPChildThemes for the great "Genesis Layout Manager" plugin (licensed under GPLv2 or later). Now, more than seven (7!) and a dozen updates later the basic function is still there but the code totally refactored...! :) Last but not least, Special Thanks go out to my family for allowing me to do such spare time projects (aka free plugins) and supporting me in every possible way!


NOTE: This plugin lives on, it is far from "dead"! I could not maintain it the last years, as I had personal issues keeping me from it. The plugin worked very well in almost all cases over the years, that is due to the super stable Genesis Framework. NOTE for the extra Layouts The up to nine additional layouts added with version 2.0.0 of the plugin back in 2013 are now deprecated as of December 2018. That means, they will NOT receive any more updates and also NO SUPPORT. You can still use them if you want but you need to care for the proper styling, displaying etc. yourself. Therefore it would make more sense for you to not use these option from the plugin but rather register custom layouts yourself and make use of our filters to bring them also into the settings drop-down field. Thanks for your understanding! - This note only regards the additional layouts, NOT the plugin itself of course, the plugin is alive and kickin', hehe :-). ⚡️ 2.1.2 - 2019-05-03 🔧 2.1.1 - 2018-12-19 🎉 2.1.0 - 2018-12-18 2.0.0 - 2013-08-05 1.7.0 - 2013-03-22 1.6.0 - 2012-11-15 1.5.0 - 2012-09-05 1.4.0 - 2012-06-16 1.3.0 - 2012-05-01 1.2.0 - 2011-12-22 1.1.0 - 2011-10-06 1.0.0 - 2011-10-01