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Binge Reading Archive Page Template
A plugin to create an "all posts since this site started by month" page. Built for sites using the Genesis Framework.
Plugin Name
Allows the reordering of AgentPress Listings taxonomies after creation.
Automatic Footer Copyright for Genesis
Add automatic copyright information in footer of Genesis or any Genesis child theme.
Awesome Shortcodes For Genesis
This plugin will add shortcodes to Genesis 2.5 Themes. It adds most of the required functionality, so you can manage your themes correctly.
Builder Shortcode Extras – WordPress Shortcodes Collection to Save You Time
A collection of totally useful extra Shortcodes to make the life of Site Builders more easy.
Builder Template Categories - for WordPress Page Builders
Organize your Page Builder Templates in the WordPress Admin. Better overview, don't get lost. Time saver. With extended plugin & theme support.
Genesis Coming Soon
This plugin allows you to create a Coming Soon, Under Construction or Maintenance page while taking advantage of all the Genesis Framework features.
Column Shortcodes for Genesis Themes
Requires at least 3.3.2
Customize Pro Engine
Core functionality plugin for the Customize Pro Genesis child theme.
Enhanced Latest Tweets Widget
Enhanced Latest Tweets Widget allows you to display a certain number of tweets from a specified hashtag (and/or to limit it to a specified user).
Page Templater For Elementor
A helper plugin for users of Elementor Page Builder
Osom Author Pro
The Osom Author Pro plugin creates a library which allows you to add books to any WordPress theme.
Plugin Name
This plugin allows you to transfer your inputs SEO data from one theme/plugin to another.
Genesis Bootstrap Carousel
This plugin allows you to create a simple responsive image carousel that displays the featured image, along with the title and excerpt from each post.
Plugin Name
Extended version of the Genesis Tabs plugin from Studiopress. Make selected posts unique on the page. And more...
Genesis Club Lite
Mobile Responsive Logos, Hamburger Menus, Animated Top Bars, FAQ Accordions, User Signatures, Google Calendars and much more for Genesis sites
Plugin Name
Allows you to change the Genesis footer credits from the Genesis customizer settings panel.
Genesis Visual Hook Guide
Find Genesis hooks (action and filter hooks) quick and easily by seeing their actual locations inside your theme.
Genesis Custom Post Types Archives
Allows you to customize Genesis Custom Post Type archive pages for solid SEO.
Genesis Widgetized Footer
Finally, use widgets to edit the Footer area ('Return to Top' plus 'Copyright/Credits') in Genesis Framework and Child Themes.