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Genesis Printstyle Plus

开发者 daveshine
更新时间 2019年2月21日 23:27
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.1
版权: GPL-2.0+
版权网址: 版权信息


print paper stylesheet genesis genesiswp printing deckerweb office genesis framework printstyle


1.0.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6.0 1.6.1 1.7.0 1.8.0 1.9.0 1.9.1 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.0 1.0.1


Optimized: Saves You Printing Ink & Paper :) This small and lightweight plugin adds a printer-ready stylesheet file (print.css / print-html5.css) for the Genesis Framework and its currently active child theme. Any unneeded site elements will be removed, such as main and sub navigation bar, sidebar, footer widgets, form input fields to name a few. For most use cases and most existing/ regular Genesis Child Themes this should work really fine!
NEW since version 1.5.0+ For fully custom styles or additions just have look at the FAQ section here. :) It is now really easy to handle and complete update-safe! Please note: The plugin requires the Genesis Theme Framework (GPL-2.0+), a paid premium product released by StudioPress/ Copyblogger Media LLC (via Credit where credit is due: The first plugin version was based on the work of Ramoonus and his plugin. Translations: Internationalization (i18n) / Localization (L10n) Feedback This Plugin... More


NOTE: Only works with Genesis Framework (GPL-2.0+) as the parent theme. This is a paid premium product by StudioPress/ Copyblogger Media LLC, available via Installation Steps
  1. Installing alternatives:
  2. via Admin Dashboard: Go to 'Plugins > Add New', search for "Genesis Printstyle Plus", click "install"
  3. OR via direct ZIP upload: Upload the ZIP package via 'Plugins > Add New > Upload' in your WP Admin
  4. OR via FTP upload: Upload genesis-printstyle-plus folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  5. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  6. Print out any page of your Genesis-powered website :-) Note: The "Genesis Framework" is required for this plugin in order to work. If you don't own a copy it yet, this premium parent theme has to be bought. More info about that you'll find here:
Custom Styles: For fully custom styles or additions just have look at the FAQ section here. :) Also note: The plugin has no extra settings page, as it has built-in logic for loading the print stylesheet from plugin (default) or for additions, also via child theme.


1.9.2 Some improvements: Even more print CSS tweaks. 1.9.1 Some improvements: More print CSS tweaks. 1.9.0 Some improvements: CSS fixes for right side truncation; code improvements. Updated all translations as well as .pot file for translators. 1.8.0 Several improvements: Dynamic Genesis 2.0+ HTML5 markup support. Updated all translations as well as .pot file for translators. 1.7.0 Several improvements: Tweaked stylesheet naming and development tools. Updated all translations as well as .pot file for translators. 1.6.1 Maintenance release: Tweaked a few CSS rules. Updated all translations as well as .pot file for translators. 1.6.0 Maintenance release: Added help tab on Genesis settings pages. Compressed (minified) CSS file. Updated all translations as well as .pot file for translators. 1.5.0 Major changes & improvements: Improved stylesheet loading, added ability for fully custom files. Code cleanup & improvements. Added Italian translations, updated German translations as well as .pot file for translators. 1.4.0 Important change: improved compatibility with WordPress 3.3+. Added experimental css rules for removing Google Adsense text ads when printing. 1.3.0 Important change - fixed a critical bug - PLEASE do a manual upgrade - upload files via FTP. Thanx! 1.2.0 Several changes - Added activation checks and localization and further improved code and documentation. 1.0.2 - 1.1 Minor internal testing stuff. 1.0.1 Minor changes - Unique function name. 1.0.0 Just released into the wild.


How can I get a more customized print stylesheet for my (customized) child theme?

That is really easy now, since plugin version 1.5+! There are two alternatives of doing that: (1) Add a print stylesheet file print-additions.css to your active child theme's root folder and you're done. It will be automatically enqueued after the packaged plugin styles so you are able to override them. (2) To not use the packaged plugin stylesheet at all just add your full own custom print stylesheet gpsp-print.css to your active child theme's root folder and you're done. This will be properly enqueued then and NOT the plugin file. Both ways are really easy and update-secure. Enjoy!

How can I use another font for printing?

Same two alternatives as explained above. Edit the "font-family" setting for the body tag and you're good to go.

Why are you using CSS Media Queries for the print stylesheet?

In short: We believe that this is the recommended way of doing such things. ...some more thoughts: In most cases this will work across different browsers and operating systems with most current printers. So I really see no reason here of not doing it that way. -- Please note that I CANNOT test all browsers, OS, printers etc. that are out there. Still, you might report any issues you might have on your system configuration and together we will see what could be done/solved. Ok with that?

There Are a Few Issues with Some Child Themes, What Could I Do?

This seems to be true, regarding the HUGE number of Genesis Child Themes out there yet! However, I'll do my best to support as much stuff out of the box as possible but cannot be specific for all child themes on the market... You just have to tweak some existing CSS rules or add a new one for printing. Please see the questions above how you could replace, add/tweak print CSS rules. Yes, it's really easy so just try it :-).

Could I use this plugin also with another theme/ framework?

Good question but unfortunately this is not possible and not recommended. I've built in a theme check function so it's only useable with the Genesis Framework and its child themes. The reason for that is simple because the print stylesheet references a lot of unique Genesis CSS IDs and classes so it will be nearly unuseable with other themes. However, you might have a look at the included print stylesheet and maybe got inspired for your own print stylesheet for your custom theme or even doing your own plugin with this...


1.9.3 (2014-02-26) 1.9.2 (2014-02-23) 1.9.1 (2014-02-22) 1.9.0 (2014-02-21) 1.8.0 (2013-09-01) 1.7.0 (2013-02-04) 1.6.1 (2012-09-11) 1.6.0 (2012-09-07) 1.5.0 (2012-05-06) 1.4.0 (2011-12-14) 1.3.0 (2011-12-04) 1.2.0 (2011-10-04) 1.1.0 (2011) 1.0.2 (2011-07-01) 1.0.1 (2011-07-01) 1.0.0 (2011-07-01)