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Geocode Switch

开发者 elialgranti
更新时间 2018年7月21日 20:49
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.7
版权: GPLv2 or later for plugin code, Apache License version 2.0 for Maxmind library under vendor directory
版权网址: 版权信息


location geolocation geomarketing geocode geotag geocode switch geocode filter geomarking geofilter local marketing GeoIP2 MaxMind


1.1.3 1.1.4 1.0.0 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2


GeoSwitch is a plugin that allows you to change the content of your site based on the location of your client’s IP. To geolocate users based on IP GeoSwitch supports can user either the new the new GeoIP2 MaxMind databases or GeoIP2 Precision Service. MaxMind offers free and paid geolocation databases and the paid GeoIP2 Precision web service, the author of this plugin is not affiliated with MaxMind in any way. The main development of this plugin is in github. Please open a new issue if you find a bug in this plugin. This plugin uses the MaxMind PHP library which is released under the Apache License version 2.0


Prerequisites The Geoswitch plugin uses either MaxMind’s city database or webservice. Installation
  1. Copy the Plugin directory to your wordpress plugins directory (usually wp-content/plugins)
  2. Optionally copy your MaxMind binary database to the database subdirectory inside the plugin root direcory (GeoSwitch/database). The database should be uncompressed.
  3. In the Wordpress administration settings search for the GeoSwitch configuration page:
  4. Select the type of geocoding service to use (local database or webservice).
  5. Enter the name of the database or the user ID and license key depending on the service you've selected.
  6. Set the units to use for distance calculations (kilometer or miles). Note: if you use the local database you should update it periodically.


  • Bug fix: Private and reserved IPs are not checked and no longer generate
  • Added filter hook geoswitch_skip_ip_check to bypass the ip check based on (Thanks to Arūnas Liuiza from for the BugFix and filter hook)


Why do I see only question marks instead of my location?

Your IP was not found in the database. The most usual cause if that your browser and server are behind a NAT and you are getting a private IP not a public one. For debugging purposes you can set the IP used by plug-in in the settings page.

My location is wrong/partial. How come?

Geolocation using IP addresses is not entirely accurate. The geolocation relies on a static database of addresses and their approximate location, not exact location like mobile GPS. To ensure maximum accuracy make sure you have the latest database. Purchasing the non-lite version of the database from MaxMind or a license for their service may also yield better information. I am not affiliated in any way with MaxMind, so it is up to you to contact them and evaluate their offers for suitability to your purposes.

How do I test other locations?

You can set the IP used in by the plug-in in the settings page and use Google to search for IPs in the location you are interested in (i.e. IP in California) or use the geoswitch_setip shortcode. Debug overrides for other setting are coming.


1.1.4 1.1.3 Bug fix: when IP cannot be found plugin correctly evaluates all cases and uses default empty case (if it exists), instead of not displaying anything. Implemented support for comma separated values in geoswitch_case shortcode. Previous version mentioned this feature in the Readme file, but it was not actually implemented. 1.1.2 Error deploying to wordpress. Use version 1.1.3 instead. 1.1.1 Added setting to for user IP for debugging purposes and updated MaxMind Libraries. 1.1.0 1.0.0