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Plugin Name

开发者 vthierry
更新时间 2023年3月18日 07:22
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


feed export syndication http request rendering



This plugins offers the following "ground" functionnalities: 1. Displaying a post or page without any header, sidebar and footer In order to render the raw content of a post or page without any header, sidebar and footer use the link: http://#mywordpressadress?httpsyndication&p=#post_or_page_id&title=#1_or_0 where: Remarks: 2. Importing the content from an external web site In order to import an external a post or page contents in another post or page, use the following shortcode: [import url="#external_resource_location" ] where: Inside the [import ..] shortcode, the following options allows to select and adjust the content to import: Example : How can i know with id, tag or class to select? Remarks: 3. Importing an internal content of the wordpress site In order to import a post or page contents in another post or page, use the following shortcode: where: Remarks: 4. A few other deprecated functionalities These additonal functionalities are deprecated but still available for backward compatibility


Manual installation
  1. Download the ZIP file.
  2. In your WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new page choose upload plugin in .zip format via this page
  3. Browse and select the to upload
  4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
Automatic installation
  1. In your WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new page search for http syndication
  2. Install the plugin and activate it through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


1.8 Improve the documentation. 1.7 Improve the introduction of style or class in import. 1.6 Add the title option of the offering content to other sites Reorganize the doc page, and update code accordingly Declare deprecated some features, still available. 1.5 Now wrap with iframe and embed Better support of remote pages parsing 1.4 Add the refering content by tiny URL functionnality 1.3 Adapt the shortcode parsing to editor that escape '&' 1.2 Add the [import banner=..] shortcode functionality. 1.1 Adding the [import ..] shortcode functionality. Uses the monkeysuffrage/phpuri open PHP library for converting relative URLs to absolute, thanks! 1.0 Nothing special with this trivial plugin, debugged with WP_DEBUG.