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Video Gallery by Huzzaz

开发者 James Yang
更新时间 2022年11月28日 02:54
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1.1
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


video gallery embed videos youtube player facebook video vimeo player youtube video gallery vimeo video gallery facebook live video twitch video sticky video float video twitch video gallery facebook video gallery facebook video embed twitch video embed youtube and vimeo video playlist plugin youtube and vimeo video gallery shortcode smart youtube and vimeo playback wordpress youtube and vimeo embed youtube search vimeo search


10.1 10.2 10.3 2.0 2.0.2 2.0.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.32 3.4 4.01 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.0 5.1 6.1 6.11 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.41 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.5 9.6 10.0 10.5 3.31 6.0 7.4 9.4 1.0 10.4 2.0.1

详情介绍: Video Gallery by Huzzaz supports regular and live video from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and Twitch! And it has a responsive design so it looks great on all screen sizes. It also has the option to minimize and float your video when the user scrolls down the page so it can remain visible. Examples of Huzzaz being used in the wild We provide professional video gallery and visual experiences for your website with no tech experience required. Our basic video gallery embed is AWESOME and free forever. Check out our Pro video gallery designs here and see our Pro pricing here. Try Pro for FREE for 2 weeks and cancel at any time. Learn about our Professional Features Top reasons to use Huzzaz Video Gallery:
  1. Turn your WordPress Page or Blog Post into a beautiful video gallery.
  2. Collect and organize YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and Twitch videos using an intuitive drag and drop interface. No need for the WP admin panel.
  3. Fully responsive and automatically paginates your video gallery for you.
  4. Minimize and float your video when the user scrolls down the page.
  5. Video search capabilities within galleries
  6. Share full size Facebook cards and Twitter cards that play all your videos in a single tweet
  7. Auto play or deep link to videos on your website
  8. Automatic HD playback for your videos
  9. Custom colors and design features
Sign up for free here Watch the Huzzaz Wordpress video gallery tutorial and read our extra documentation here Huzzaz Video Gallery Plugin Features: Features: Learn more about Huzzaz here


Start by creating a video collection on Huzzaz here
  1. Upload huzzaz.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in the WordPress admin panel
  3. Place the shortcode on any page or blog post: [huzzaz id="?" vpp="?" height="?" bg="?" color="?" button="?" highlight="?"]
Huzzaz Video Gallery Tutorials and Documentation You can copy and paste the shortcode from the video collection page! Just click the "</>" button on the right sidebar and fill out the fields to customize height, videos per page, and colors example: [huzzaz id="huzzaz-videos" vpp="16" height="1700" bg="darkgray" color="*fff" button="cyan" highlight="*ffd700"] example: The id for is "huzzaz-videos" note: For custom color options, use a hex color code or CSS color name.


  • Now, it's super easy to set up, organize and manage a beautiful YouTube and Vimeo video gallery
  • Choose your own custom colors and your video gallery will be responsive and fill up any containing element
  • Put your video gallery anywhere, even in a blog post!
  • Now, it's super easy to set up, organize and manage a beautiful YouTube and Vimeo video gallery
  • Choose your own custom colors and your video gallery will be responsive and fill up any containing element
  • Put your video gallery anywhere, even in a blog post!
  • Now, it's super easy to set up, organize and manage a beautiful YouTube and Vimeo video gallery


Is it really that easy?


What types of videos can I add to my video gallery?

YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and Twitch videos can all be shown

How do I add videos to my video gallery?

  1. Copy & paste YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, or Twitch video links (For Facebook video, right click on the video and select "show video url")
  2. Use the Huzzaz bookmarklet
  3. Add YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook or Twitch videos from other Huzzaz video collections
  4. Use the Huzzaz video search to look for YouTube, Vimeo and Twitch videos simultaneously Your video gallery will automatically sync and update with your Huzzaz video collection.

How do I reorganize my video gallery?

Just drag any video and drop it wherever you want when viewing your video collection on

What happens to a video when it gets removed from YouTube?

We will automatically remove the video from your video gallery and let you know about it.

The video gallery doesn't show up on the page. What's going on?

Sometimes conflicts can occur if another plugin or theme option is using javascript or automatically modifying iframes. Make sure you disable all options or plugins that do lazy loading or javascript optimization because this may cause conflicts.

How do I create a video collection on Huzzaz?

Just sign up here

Where do I get the Huzzaz bookmarklet?

Right here. Now you will be add videos to your own website while browsing YouTube, Vimeo, or any other website with YouTube and Vimeo videos.


10.5 Update for latest WP version, 6.1.1 10.4 Update for latest WP version, 5.8.1 10.3 Update for latest WP version, 5.5 10.2 Update for latest WP version 10.1 Optimize for new WP release 10.0 Updates for WP version 5.0 9.6 Added property to floating video player to keep it positioned above other elements on websites 9.5 Fixed bug that caused a theme to dissappear 9.4 Optimize code and add variable for starting at specific video 9.3 Increased size of padding for floating video when positioned at top to make more room for headers 9.2 Make sure videos that float to bottom stay on bottom 9.1 Fix small visual bug 9.0 Add support of new Pro Option for floating video gallery that will minimize the video and keep it on the page as a user scrolls 8.0 Added Facebook and Twitch as video hosts that can be added to the Huzzaz video gallery 7.9 cleaned up code 7.8 add gray preloader gif option 7.7 update links in readme 7.6 improve video gallery load time 7.5 Add loading gif to show before hz video gallery loads 7.4 Add free tech/dev and marketing consultation! 7.3 Adjust video gallery to play nice with lazy loading of images on the same page 7.2 Made default video collection top video by Huzzaz 7.1 Minor bug fixes 7.0 Add options for turning off YouTube annotations and a scroll offset so that when a video plays it scrolls to the right height 6.41 Add scroll offset so that when a video plays it scrolls to the right height 6.3 Added option to have video gallery without any spacing between thumbnail images in the hzGrid Layout 6.2 Options to customize font and CSS added 6.11 Update for WP 4.4 6.1 Added pro option to hide cover art and show the first video thumbnail by default 6.0 New Grid Layout that shows only video thumbnails and then has a lightbox that shows video when any thumbnail is clicked. Also, added link button to easily get link for videos and pages to share. Set initial height of iframe larger so that upon page load, the full gallery is displayed. Added automatic scrolling to video when a video starts playing. 5.1 Added autoplay functionality and output escaping 5.0 Automatic sizing of video gallery to fit the page and tested compatibility for wordpress 4.3 4.5 Added arrows for scrolling horizontal video thumbnails 4.4 Tested up to version 4.2 4.3 Added new layout, hzCard, and title overlay features to Han Solo and hzCard layouts 4.2 Added feature that enables title overlay when video thumbnail is hovered over 4.1 Updated customizable classes 4.01 Updated stable tag 3.4 Added new layout, "Wayne", that shows the description and has a paginated gallery below the video. Also added optional variable "class" to allow for custom classes and CSS customization. 3.32 Added color options to popout gallery 3.31 Adjusted popout video gallery to work better on mobile devices 3.3 Added popout video gallery link functionality 3.2 Added gray play icon option for huzzaz video gallery 3.1 Added support for https:// websites and added new layouts 3.0 Huzzaz pro video galleries now have the option to search for individual videos within a video gallery 2.4 Huzzaz pro video galleries now have the option to choose which video gallery layout to choose independently 2.3 Default background of video gallery will now be transparent 2.2 Added pro functionalities 2.1 2.0.3 2.0 1.0