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IHS Geo Location

开发者 gsayed786
更新时间 2020年12月25日 12:06
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.6
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


address location country city state geolocation geo geo location



This plugin detects your location and makes certain classes available to you which you can apply to the div elements or use shortcodes in your theme to display the user's current locality, city, state, country and address. Use : 1- Class name 'ihs-locality' for locality 2- Class name 'ihs-city' for city 3- Class name 'ihs-state' for state 4- Class name 'ihs-country' for country 5- Class name 'ihs-address' for address You can also add the below shortcodes in your posts or pages content from WordPress Dashboard for locality, city, state, country and address respectively: 1- [ihs_geo_locality] for locality 2- [ihs_geo_city] for city 3- [ihs_geo_state] for state 4- [ihs_geo_country] for country 5- [ihs_geo_address] for address


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Add the following classes to the div elements in your theme to display the user's current locality, city, state, country and address respectively. a- Class name 'ihs-locality' for locality b- Class name 'ihs-city' for city c- Class name 'ihs-state' for state d- Class name 'ihs-country' for country e- Class name 'ihs-address' for address You can also add the below shortcodes in your posts or pages content from WordPress Dashboard for locality, city, state, country and address respectively: a- [ihs_geo_locality] for locality b- [ihs_geo_city] for city c- [ihs_geo_state] for state d- [ihs_geo_country] for country e- [ihs_geo_address] for address
  4. You can get locationObjResult obj available inside request.done() in main.js which you can use to access the location data.


  • You can find and display the Locality, City, State, Country and the complete address.