Leospeed improves your website's core web vitals score. It uses a combination for Google recommended optimizations with CDN to deliver best possible scores for your wordpress website at most affordable prices. Provide your website url, we generate demo for you in minutes, test the results in tools like Page Speed Insights, GTMetrix, Pingdom, if satisfied install the plugin
No need to spend time and money on a multiple plugins, high performance server, cdn and still struggle to get the desired speed improvements. Just install Leospeed and it will take care of it or reach out to
Our service provides you with the following (typically paid extra) functionalities
included without the need for any other plugin:
- CSS – we clean unwanted css and compress it to improve side
- Javascript – defer load javascript to improve page load time
- Image Optimization – we optimize all of your images automatically, convert them to WebP and lazy load them
- Iframe – videos take a lot of time to load, our optimization lazy loads them too
- HTML – compress HTML to reduce size
- Resource Compression – inbuilt GZip compression
- Cache Warmup – we keep the pages in the sitemap optimized.
- CDN – we automatically serve your static assets from a CDN. No need to migrate to fast hosting
Apart from these, Leospeed offers other unique features and benefits like:
- Incredibly Simple Setup – getting started with Leospeed is a very easy. There’s no technical knowledge needed. And you don’t need to be a developer to set it up. Simply follow these 4 steps and you’ll be done in no time or reach out support
- No risk of damaging your original site files – Leospeed works on copies of your site files. You don’t like the results from an optimization? No problem. Purge your cache and start over. Even if you decide to disable Leospeed your site will go back to the state it was in before activating our plugin
- High performance hosting – Leospeed relies on CDN to deliver your website content fast. If you struggling with hosting speed, you can migrate to Leospeed hosting just by adding a CNAME or NS records.
- Optimize resources linked statically into your theme files – Leospeed will discover and optimize all resources linked into your theme, even ones that come hardcoded into your CSS files (even if they are multiple levels down an @import chain)
- Highly customizable configuration – We believe every site is different so it optimization should also be. You can build highly customized optimization configurations for your websites in the dashboard
Other Key Features
- Minify HTML
- Minify CSS files and inline CSS defined in style tags and attributes
- Minify JavaScript files and inline script tags
- HTML, CSS and JavaScript compression
- Gzip compression
- Optimize images
- Convert to WebP
- Lazy load images (including CSS background images)
- Lazy load iframes
- Defer JavaScript
- Font rendering optimization
- DNS prefetch
- Compatible with mobile, tablet and desktop devices out of the box
- Multisite ready
- eCommerce compatibility
- Advanced resource loading mechanism
- Automatic cache management – Leospeed will automatically update its cache files when you update content on your site
- Option to exclude certain pages from being cached
- Option to exclude any resource from being optimized
- Option to ignore URL parameters that do not modify the content of your pages (e.g. campaign parameters like utm_source, utm_campaign, etc.)
- Cloudflare/Cloudfront/Akamai integration
- Sucuri integration
- Generic reverse proxy integration (NGINX, Varnish, etc.)
- No database connection needed
- Replacement for slow hosting
Running Marketing Campaigns with Leospeed
Two major issues often come up when running a campaign. First, each visitor hits your server with a
unique URL request. Second, you lose your
cache if you update content on your site.
Most optimization plugins come up short when it comes to both issues.
At the same time, Leospeed has two powerful features that help you thrive in these high traffic situations:
- Leospeed recognizes campaign parameters in the URL and ignores them when looking up a cache file for the campaign request.
- Cache invalidation - typically, when you update content on your site, caching plugins have to purge their cache and start rebuilding it. When a purge occurs during a high traffic period your visitors will no longer be served from cache. And your server will have to work extra hard to generate new cache files. As a result, the user experience on your website takes a hit. Leospeed solves this problem by invalidating the cache, instead of purging it. This method allows Leospeed to refresh the cache files in the background. At the same time, you still serve your clients from the slightly outdated cache files. As we already said, this happens automatically. You don’t need to worry about caching during an important campaign.
Whether you’re running a big campaign or your site suddenly becomes trending, both features are crucial for keeping your visitors happy.
So, if you want a fast website right now,
go over to the Installation section and download Leospeed.
- Simply go to https://leospeed.io/ and create an account and enter your website.
- Go to Download and have a look at 7 mins walkthrough video.
- Click the “Download” button on this page. You’ll get a .zip file, which you can save on your computer.
- Go to your website’s dashboard, open the “Plugins” menu and click “Add new”. After that, choose the leospeed.zip file and click “Install Now”
- Go back to your website’s dashboard. Click “Settings” and find the Leospeed option. Finally, enter your Site ID and Site Secret and click “Connect to Leospeed”.
That’s all there is to it!