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Mail Encrypt

开发者 mc17uulm
更新时间 2020年8月14日 01:57
PHP版本: 7.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.5
版权: GNUv3
版权网址: 版权信息


secure email mail spam security easy protect fast bots protection encrypt encryption



WP Mail Encrypt Version 3.0 til version 3.0 known as 'Mail Crypter' Wordpress anti-spam mail plugin Simple and easy to use plugin to protect your email addresses of spam bots. With the [mail_encrypt] shortcode or our own Gutenberg block, all your email addresses are secure! Usage Gutenberg Block Since version 3.0 the plugin provides an own Gutenberg Block. All email addresses used in our "MailEncrypt Block" are automatically encrypted (see our screenshots). Shortcode You can use our shortcode with the Gutenberg Editor and the Classic Editor. With the Gutenberg Editor use simply the "Shortcode Block" and insert the same shortcode, as in the Classic Editor. If you are using the Classic Editor you can enter the shortcode direct: Insert your email address and a link text (optional) to the [mail_encrypt] shortcode: [mail_encrypt mail="" text="My Name"]. You can also use our TinyMCE plugin in the Classic Editor. With a simple click on the MailEncrypt Icon, the shortcode is build fast for you. Generator You want to use our system in other areas? No problem! We provide our own generator in the admin menu. Simply insert the to be protected email address and get the associated sourcecode. Javascript deprecated since v3.0 older shortcodes with js active are still working How are the mail addresses encrypted The plugin uses a simple mechanism, which has no negative effect on the page speed. On the result page, the email address is displayed as follows: My Name In the sourcecode the email address can not be found by a spam bot: html <a href =''>My Name</a> Code: The full sourcecode can be found on github:


  1. Download zip and upload via wordpress installer, or search in plugins menu for "Mail Encrypt" and install plugin
  2. Activated plugin
  3. Use the [mail_encrypt] shortcode or our 'MailEncrypt Block' Gutenberg block to protect your email addresses secure and fast!


  • You can use our shortcode generator in the Classic Editor to build your custom shortcode.
  • Usable in the Classic Editor with our '[mail_encrypt]' shortcode.
  • With our new 'MailEncrypt Block' all mail addresses are encrypted automatically.
  • In our new 'MailEncrypt Block' the protected mail addresses are marked.
  • On the frontend your users see the mail address just as a normal link. For spam bots the address is not visible.
  • To protect your mail address but use another text for the link, just use our '[mail_encrypt]' shortcode.
  • Use our generator to encrypt any mail address in our backend.
  • You can use our shortcode generator in the Classic Editor to build your custom shortcode.
  • Usable in the Classic Editor with our '[mail_encrypt]' shortcode.
  • With our new 'MailEncrypt Block' all mail addresses are encrypted automatically.
  • In our new 'MailEncrypt Block' the protected mail addresses are marked.


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