Are you having trouble with slow queries due to WordPress table structure?
This plugin helps your site speed up using JSON type columns, one of the features of MySQL, and prevents complex queries while maintaining the flexibility of WordPress development.
You can also add a virtual column in the configuration page and index the virtual column to make it even faster.You can also add a virtual column in the configuration page and index the virtual column to make it even faster.
This intuitive plugin shows a configurable widget for each post with news and a search feature. Articles will be opened in a new tab.
= If you have a support issue please contact us directly through our website. We do not monitor or reply to comments posted on the WordPress provided support forum. =
This is one of the simplest ways to incorporate reviews on your website using a fast and modern plugin, so if you like a look of cleanliness and the sliding review formatting, this is definitely a plugin to consider. Provide a quick and accurate visualization to information from people across the globe who have already purchased and used something in which they are interested in.
In addition, it's completely free of any charge along the way.