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Mailroad Switch

开发者 marsworks
更新时间 2021年6月11日 04:46
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.7.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


email admin emails separate recipients recipient rerouting




This plugin allows you to set multiple admin email addresses. This means that you can finally send all of those New User emails to go to HR, and send those WP Error and Automatic Update emails to IT.


  1. Upload through the 'Add Plugins' screen in WordPress.
  2. Activate the plugin in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to Settings > General to input your new email addresses.


  • New admin email options


What Plugins are Supported?

Currently, the only third-party plugin which is supported is 'Enable jQuery Migrate Helper' We did this because this plugin is used on many sites since the release of WordPress 5.2. Enable jQuery Migrate Helper comes with weekly emails along with emails regarding automatic downgrades of your site's jQuery version. You will be able to set an email recipient for the emails from Enable jQuery Migrate Helper. This option will only show if you have the Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin in your WordPress plugins directory.

How do I retrieve a value to use in my code?

You are able to use the static method get_email_recipient $address = \Mailroad_Switch\Includes\Settings::get_email_recipient( 'errors' ); Default valid values passed to the method are:

  • updates
  • errors
  • users
  • jquery_migrate If the email type does not exist or the option is not set for it, it will fallback to the admin email address you have set for your WordPress site.

I have a plugin that is sending me emails, but I do not see an option to change the email recipient. What do I do?

You can open a question in the support forum to the right, and request that we add support for a third-party plugin.

I don't have time to wait for you to add support for more plugins! I need to do it right now! For Developers Only

You are able to use the filter mailroad_switch_available_hooks add_filter( "mailroad_switch_available_hooks", function( $types ){ if( ! array_key_exists( "my_unique_type", $types ) ){ $types["my_unique_type"] = [ "label" => "My Unique Type", "description" => "Emails coming from my custom plugin or theme", "class" => "\My\Class\Handler" ]; } return $types; } ); The above code snippet will add a new admin setting below the other fields. The construct of your \My\Class\Handler should have one parameter which will be the email address retrieved from the setting. You can then implement any WordPress or Plugin or Theme action and filter hooks in your class to change email recipients.

