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Metaboxes Sensei

开发者 fernandot
更新时间 2022年5月24日 00:04
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0
版权: GPLv2+
版权网址: 版权信息


video lms course lesson metaboxes sensei lms learning mode


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.0


Learning Mode was introduced from Sensei LMS v4.0, offering the possibility to show lessons in the new distraction free mode, that activate a block theme for lessons. This change demand that lessons's attachments should be entered as blocks in the content of the lessons from the WordPress blocks editor, and existing attachments as meta boxes won't be showed with the lessons. This is not a big deal if you are beginning with courses and lessons creation with Sensei LMS, because is easy to add files attached using blocks but, what happens if you had a lot of lessons created before Sensei LMS v4.0 and want to benefit of the new distraction free layout provided by the learning mode? Attachments won't be showed in your lessons. This plugin add one function to show attachments from existing Sensei LMS along with the lesson's content. NO SETTINGS - This plugin is plug-and-play. Just install it, activate it and enjoy! IMPORTANT NOTE: Use this plugin only if you have existing lessons with attachments loaded from Sensei LMS meta boxes and want to benefit from new Sensei LMS distraction free (Learning) mode. If you don't activate the new Learning Mode your lessons will still show your videos and attachments added via meta boxes and You won't need this plugin. WARNING! - DON'T activate the "Enable theme styles" option at Sensei LMS > Settings > Courses because this plugin won't work


  1. Go to your WP Dashboard > Plugins and search for ‘metaboxes sensei’ or…
  2. Download the plugin from WP repository.
  3. Upload the ‘metaboxes-sensei’ directory to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
  4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


  • Sensei LMS WordPress editor meta boxes for video and attachments
  • Sensei LMS Learning Mode active


1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0