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Mobile Call Now & Map Buttons

开发者 davidsword
更新时间 2018年3月6日 05:55
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.4
版权: GPLv3


responsive mobile contact location map buttons customize directions phone call cell get directions call us phone now


1.1 1.2 1.2.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.0 1.2.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5.0


Adds "Call Now" and "Directions" buttons on devices Please Note Plugin Developed By


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/mobile-call-now-map-buttons directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Use the 'Settings > Mobile Call Now & Map Buttons' page to configure the plugin


  • Settings page
  • Out of the box settings on Twenty Fifteen on iPhone 6s emulator
  • Alt settings on Twenty Fifteen on iPhone 6s emulator


  • All good.
  • If any custom CSS was written for this plugin, note all front end CSS selectors have been changed to new shorter ones


How is the maps button created?

The address is built with a Google Maps URL query. Your entered location (address or GPS coord) values are constructed into a link like so: street, city, province/state, country, postal/zip or latitude,longitude) If you're having troubles with your address, please be sure your business listing is correct on first, or use the GPS Coordinates option in the plugin. If your listing is incorrect, don't hesitate talking to Google about it, in our experience, they're eager to resolve map issues.

What Format For GPS Coordinates?

Please use the decimal degrees format (dd.ddddd) for GPS coordinates. Do not enter the degree symbol or N/E/S/W direction mention or commas. For example, Kamloops BC Canada would be: Latitude: 50.6745 Longitude: -120.3273

The buttons are hiding my footer

This should not happen, but is due to a CSS conflict between the plugin and your theme. Please open a support request and share the support code (found on the plugins setting page), we'll try to resolve the issue for your site/theme asap.

The buttons are appearing above lightbox / popups

See z-index below.

Advanced Options: z-index

Absolute positioned elements on websites can be layered on top of one another using the CSS property z-index. This plugin has the buttons on a z-index of 998. It's at this number as most popup's and lightbox's use 999 or higher. If your theme has something hidden behind the buttons, or the buttons are above something like Lightbox, try altering this number higher or lower.

Advanced Options: Append to body

This plugin puts it’s HTML at the bottom of a page using Wordpress's wp_footer hook. As specified by WordPress:

the wp_footer action. Put this template tag immediately before </body> tag in a theme template
Some theme authors, for whatever their reason, ignore this, wrapping wp_footer() in a few elements, causing problems for plugins like this that expect it in a certain place. Selecting the Move plugin to absolute bottom option, Javascript will edit the DOM and move the plugin to be at the absolute bottom of your theme, regardless of where the Theme author placed wp_footer hook.

Advanced Options: Number Sanitizing

Select this option to prevent the plugin from re-formatting your phone number. By default if you enter a value like 1 (555) 555 - 5555 For maximum browser compatibility, the plugin will sanitize the phone number to 1-555-555-5555 This sometimes effects Google Adwords phone numbers that expect a certain phone number format.

Advanced Options: Profile

This is your Wordpress setup, you may copy/paste it out when needing help troubleshooting your site in the support forums.


1.5.0 1.4.2 1.4.1