Nablafire widgets is a powerful plugin which provides four widgets optimized for onepage designs. The plugin offers full AJAX powered Google Fonts and RGBA Color support allowing the developer to design attractive items for any onepage design. Four widgets are defined in the plugin:
- Fancy Title: A simple title widget
- Fancy Text: Offers an optional title and text area.
- Fancy Caption: Offers an "icon caption" widget with font and color control
- Fancy Image: A simple image widget. Images may be rendered as static or with parallax effect.
Each of the above widgets offers a wide range of styles and layout options which are succinctly organized and directly accesable in the widget form. The apperance of each widget may be fully customized through the Appearance->Widgets in the WordPress backend.
- Upload the entire "nablafire-widgets" folder to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
You will find four additional widgets "Fancy Title", "Fancy Text", "Fancy Caption", and "Fancy Image" in your WordPress widgets menu.
Recommended Plugins
The following plugins are recommended for Nablafire Widgets users:
RA Widgets Animate by Rotsen Mark Acob - Add animations to your nablafire widgets. This plugin uses the Animate on Scroll Library.