A JQuery based NewsTicker with animation, like fade, scrollUp, slideX, shuffle, cover, and more.... Can displays a news/information, ads/link or testimonial
in NewsFlash Setting, you can set:
- NewsFlash Enable: To show NewsFlash Aink on your site.
- NewsFlash Title: Title for the NewsFlash.
- NewsFlash Width: Width for NewsFlash.
- NewsFlash Timeout: Milliseconds between slide transitions.
- NewsFlash Text Align: Text align for NewsFlash.
- NewsFlash Aink Animation: Choose your transition type.
- NewsFlash Show Link: Show NewsFlash Aink link.
in NewsFlash Create New pages, you can set:
- NewsFlash Content: Content for your NewsFlash, HTML is allowed.
- NewsFlash Status: Status for your NewsFlash. If you do not want the NewsFlash live, select "Inactive".
- NewsFlash Show for: Show the NewsFlash for selected user.
- Upload the folder
to your /wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress,
- Then place the following code into your theme files where you want the menu to appear:
<?php if(function_exists('NewsFlashAink')) { echo NewsFlashAink(); } ?>
1. Configure options via the NewsFlash ==> Settings menu,
1. Create a new NewsFlash on NewsFlash ==> Create New page.