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Vertical scroll image slideshow gallery
This vertical scroll image slideshow gallery is a simple image vertical scroll slideshow gallery plugin for WordPress widget.
Plugin Name
Building longreads has never been so easy with SLF. No knowledge of code is mandatory to enhance your stories and make it scroll.
This plugin will add scroll to top button in your wordpress website
Back to Top Button
Over 171 free icons Scroll Back to Top Button and unlimited colors - custom button.
Banner Aink
Show banner 468x60 with animation, like: fade, scrollUp, slideX, shuffle, cover, and more.....
Back to top scroll
Add back to top button to scroll from bottom to top.
WordPress Infinite Scroll by Auto Load Next Post
Increase pageviews while your readers continue to infinitely scroll down your content.
ミエルカヒートマップ タグマネージャー
無料で使えるヒートマップツール、ミエルカヒートマップのタグ設置が簡単にできるプラグインです。 This is the plugin to introduce the tag of the free heatmap service "Mieruca Heatmap" easy.
AlT Multiduplicator
Ads Manager WP/BB
Easy to use Wordpress plugin to insert any Ads to your posts and BuddyPress sections.
Scroll Widget for EventPrime
This plugin generates links from posts of the official EventPrime plugin with a specific post_type and displays them in a scrolling widget.
C7 Title Scroller
Scroll page titles of your blog left to right or right to left in the browser.
All in One News Scroll
Popup Modal
Easily create responsive WYSIWYG modals that popup at your desired frequency and optionally print with a single click.
Plugin Name
An adjustable progress meter showing how much of the post/page the user has scrolled through, and a read time commitment label near the post titles.
Fixed Widget
Set any widget as a fixed / sticky widget, (remain at the same point while scrolling) by simply checking the option.
Vertical scroll slideshow gallery v2
Vertical scroll slideshow gallery plugin will create the vertical scrolling image slideshow gallery on the wordpress widget.
Plugin Name
Prevents the visual editor from automatically expanding the height to fit the content - the way Wordpress 3.9 was
Plugin Name
Block images only loading images that user see.
Cookie Law Info Accepting By Scroll [Unmaintained]
This feature has been introduced in the original Cookie Law Plugin Info plugin by Richard Ashby, so that is no longer necessary to use.