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Popup Modal

开发者 teckel
更新时间 2023年2月25日 06:15
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.2
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


plugin wordpress form lightbox modal popup popups flexible print easy simple color multiple wp scroll background maker scrolling pop-up coupon click window box printing WYSIWYG dialog modals simply expires frequency



Easily create responsive WYSIWYG popup modals that are displayed at a user-specified frequency and optionally printed with a single click (great for coupons!). Simple to use, yet advanced options:


For an automatic installation through WordPress:
  1. Select Add New from the WordPress Plugins menu in the admin area.
  2. Search for Popup Modal.
  3. Click Install Now, then Activate Plugin.
For manual installation via FTP:
  1. Upload the popup-modal folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin from the Plugins screen in your WordPress admin area.
To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP:
  1. From the Add New plugins page in your WordPress admin area, select the Upload Plugin button.
  2. Select the file, click Install Now and Activate Plugin.


  • Easily create warning messages about scheduled website or service downtimes
  • Simple example of what a popup can look like (full WYSIWYG editor so it can be anything)
  • Optionally, generate a print console to print just the popup (great for coupons!)


Are there any settings for Popup Modal?

When adding/editing a popup modal, below the popup content area are Popup Options which allow you to configure options for each popup. Options include:

  • Disable popup: (check to disable, uncheck to enable)
  • Frequency of popup: (Define how frequently each popup will display: every refresh, once per session, various minutes, various hours, weekly, monthly, yearly, or only once)
  • Popup expires after: (Specify the date the popup will expire, or never expire) [date picker UI]
  • Display popup on: (All pages, front page only, or interior pages only)
  • Print option: (Allow printing of the popup)
  • Popup location: (Centered, top center, bottom center)
  • Maximum width: (Define the maximum width of the popup in pixels)
  • Show title: (Allow the popup title to be visible or hidden for each popup)
  • Text color: (Select a foreground text color for each popup window) [color picker UI]
  • Background color: (Select a background color for each popup window) [color picker UI]
  • Button location (No buttons "X" to close, left, center, or right)
  • Test popup (while creating in the admin console)

Can I have multiple popups?

You sure can! The plugin was designed to show one popup at a time if multiple popups are scheduled to be displayed. The first popup will display, and when the user closes the popup the next popup will appear. It's suggested that you don't have too many popups published at the same time to avoid users getting hammered by a bunch of popups. Remember, the popup frequency is for each user. Therefore, just because you're no longer seeing the popup, doesn't mean your users aren't.

How is the popup frequency controlled?

The popup frequency is controlled via cookies set on the user's browser. When a popup occurs, a cookie is set which expires at the specified frequency (for example, in an hour). After the cookie expires, the popup with happen again.

What if a user is blocking cookies?

Popup Modal will work just fine if a user is blocking third-party cookies. However, if they're blocking first-party cookies as well, they're going to see a LOT of popups and have many problems on most websites. Blocking third-party cookies is fine (and good for privacy), as is clearing cookies when your browser closes. But blocking all cookies will render a lot of the web useless. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Not many people block first-party cookies and those that do are accustomed to creating exceptions when required.


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