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As Nice Scroll
As nice scroll is a jquery plugin for WordPress site. This plugin will create a nice scrollbar for your site.
StranoWeb Ajax Login
Stranoweb Ajax Login replaces default Wordpress login, register and lost password forms with a beautiful ajax modal popup and comes with a lot of amazing features.
Easily display your widgets inside modal and popup windows.
BetterOptin is the easiest solution to create beautiful and efficient opt-in popups for WordPress.
Touch-friendly image lightbox for mobile and desktop without requiring jQuery
Modal Permalinks
This plugin opens a post/page in modal window using the post/page permalink in shortcode.
Bíblia Popup
Bíblia Popup converte automaticamente referências bíblicas em seu site em links para que seus leitores possam ler a referencia bíblia citada.
C4D WP Popup
C4D Woo Quickview
Pojo Lightbox
This plugin used to add the lightbox (overlay) effect to all images on your WordPress site with Pojo Framework.
This plugin use a simple shortcode to insert a link anywhere to open any page in a Bootstrap modal window.
WP Modal Popup with Cookie Integration
WP Modal Popup with Cookie Integration is the smart, responsive, customizable and beautifully coded popup for visitors with cookie integration.
Uploader Anywhere
Inserts uploader modal window links anywhere in the admin area.
Popup Modal
Easily create responsive WYSIWYG modals that popup at your desired frequency and optionally print with a single click.
Magee Shortcodes
BF Modal
Convert pages, posts and custom post types to plugin
Quick View WooCommerce
WooCommerce Quick View Enables customer to have a quick look of product without visiting product page.
SearchWP Modal Search Form
Quickly and easily insert modal search forms into Menus, as a Block, or directly within theme templates.
Epic Popup Creator
An easy to use and light plugin for creating popup with user friendly interface.
Plugin Name
Add any custom lightbox attribute to linked images or flash files in pages, posts and comments, supports grouping by ID.