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StranoWeb Ajax Login
Stranoweb Ajax Login replaces default Wordpress login, register and lost password forms with a beautiful ajax modal popup and comes with a lot of amazing features.
Experience Manager
Do not treat all your customers the same, create a digital experience!
Extendlab – Link Preview
Plugin to show a short preview of (internal) linked pages or posts.
Anything Popup
This is a simple plugin to display the entered content in to unblockable popup window. popup will open by clicking the text or image button.
Learn from your site visitors using quick, popup surveys.
Auto Popup Expiry
Auto Popup Expiry is a simple Auto Deactive Popup for Wordpress
Simple Site Popup
A very simple way to display popup in your site.
Easily display your widgets inside modal and popup windows.
LotekMedia Popup Form
Plugin to allow users to create and add a popup form easily on the website.
Bait Stream for Twitch TV
The most powerful free conversion marketing app in the market! Justuno is used by over 50,000 businesses around the world.
Aspexi Sweet Popups
Simple popups plugin based on Sweet Alert that automatically centers itself on the page and looks great on all devices.
BetterOptin is the easiest solution to create beautiful and efficient opt-in popups for WordPress.
Surbma | OptiMonk
OptiMonk for WordPress
Exit Coupon Popup Pro
Create coupon popups to collect email subscribers, social followers, give away coupons. Exit-intent popups to prevent abandoned carts.
The Ultimate PopUp Ads Plugin! With a Lot of Features.. Discover it by yourself.
Floating Awesome Button (Sticky Button & Popup) - CTA, Back to Top, Shortcodes, Widget, & More
Floating Awesome Button (FAB): Elevate engagement with customizable action buttons. Showcase modals, shortcodes, widgets & links effortlessly.
C4D WP Popup
Image Map Pro - Drag-and-drop Builder for Interactive Images - Lite
Super advanced drag-and-drop interactive image builder. Polygon shapes, SVG icons, custom styles and animations.
Bíblia Popup
Bíblia Popup converte automaticamente referências bíblicas em seu site em links para que seus leitores possam ler a referencia bíblia citada.