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Orphan Word

开发者 olarmarius
更新时间 2018年8月22日 01:02
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.8
版权: GPLv3 or later


widget posts page automatic style title filter comment design paragraph typography readability orphans orphan orphan word typesetting white space




This plugin will handle the orphan words from: post/page title, widget title, widget text and comment text. An orphan is the first line of a paragraph that lands all by itself at the bottom of a column or page. Designers sometimes also refer to the single-word last line of a paragraph as either a widow or an orphan. Some people call this a “runt”.


The easy way:
  1. Download from the WordPress plugins page and use the Administrator pages to upload and activate.
The other way:
  1. Upload the orphan-word folder and contents to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. See the result in titles and comments.


What is an orphan word?

An orphan is the first line of a paragraph that lands all by itself at the bottom of a column or page. Designers sometimes also refer to the single-word last line of a paragraph as either a widow or an orphan. Some people call this a “runt”. ` This line has an orphan word. This line does not have an orphan word. `

Why should I use this plugin?

You should use it because this will improve you readabilty of your site.

