Linux 软件免费装

OS Integration

开发者 GregRoss
更新时间 2023年12月3日 10:53
PHP版本: 5.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.4.1
版权: GPLv2


iOS progressive web app favicon Android App Internet Explorer tiles pwa site icon Windows 8 live tile start screen pinned site Windows Phone 8.1 WebApp


0.6 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.1 3.0 0.5 1.5 1.6 1.7


User's have all kinds of devices these days and your site needs to look the best it can when being displayed, pinned or added to your users system. WordPress 4.3 has introduced the "Site Icon" option in settings but it's far too limited, OS Integration does what it can't! OS Integration supports the following features: All of the above can be supported with a single image supplied by you to the plugin and all the required formats will then be generated by OS Integration. Optionally you can also supply a custom wide formatted imaged or override any or all the generated images with custom selections. Why use 2, 3 or 4 other plugins when OS Integration does all the work for you!


  1. Extract the archive file into your plugins directory in the os-integration folder.
  2. Activate the plugin in the Plugin options.
  3. Login to WordPress and configure your options.


  • Fav Icon settings.
  • Progressive Web App settings.
  • Windows settings.
  • iOS settings.
  • Related App settings.
  • Advanced settings.
  • About page.
  • Notification widget.


  • Support for Progressive Web Apps is now available, go to the settings to enable it.


Some image sizes are not generating?

You must provide an image larger than 450x450 (or 450x281 for the wide image). If a smaller image is supplied the code will not resize them to a larger format.

What PHP libraries are required?

The WordPress image editor is used to resize the images, which supports both GD and Image Magic.

I've recently enabled SSL on my site, do I need to do anything?

OS Integration store the complete URL of the icon and images so if you enable SSL after generating the icons, you'll need to regenerate them to get the URL's updated.

I'm running a mix SSL site and getting a mix content warning on the SSL pages because of OS Integration, how do I fix it?

First, don't run mixed sites, you should enable SSL on your entire site. Having said that, the URL's for the icons and images are generated with the URL from your site configuration so you can switch it to https temporarily, generate the OS Integration files and then switch it back. This will use SSL for all of the OS Integration links and not cause mix content warnings. You should then look at enabling SSL on your entire site as you will otherwise have to do this each time you update your OS Integration settings.


3.0 2.1 2.0 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.6 0.5