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Parses posts for external links and puts their favicon next to them. It uses
service for getting the url favicon.
NWPA Add Favicon Icon
Plugin Add favicon.ico to Wordpress.
EZ Favicon
An easy to use Wordpress favicon plugin.
Captain Favicon
The easiest way to add a Favicon to your site (with retina support!)
cbnet Favicon
Add a Favicon to your site. No bells or whistles; simply upload a (ICO, PNG, or GIF) file.
Plugin Name
Let you change the look of your blog by changing the Background Image from your gallery
Custom Favicon
This plugin allows you to add upload custom favicon & Apple touch icon for your website and WordPress Dashboard using built-in media uploader.
PWD WP Favicon
This plugin allows you to upload a custom favicon & Apple touch icon for your website and your WordPress Dashboard using API customizer.
Easy Digital Downloads - Custom Favicon
Adds a Custom updated favicon to Easy Digital Downloads. Displays how many items are in your cart in the favicon just like Gmail!
Easy Digital Downloads - Dynamic Icon
Adds a dynamically updated favicon to Easy Digital Downloads. Displays how many items are in your cart in the favicon just like Gmail!
Heroic Favicon Generator
Heroic Favicon Generator is your one-click favicon generator for WordPress.
Express SEO Free
Express SEO is the modern SEO plugin in market which helps you create SEO optimized content with its intelligent content judging mechanism.
Favicon Links
Adds favicons to links in posts to give them nice look.
Genesis Simple Defaults
Simple Defaults allows you to set some of the more common default items in Genesis Theme Frameworks
OS Integration
JB Common
A plugin with common features missed in WordPress, like favicon, meta tags, adding HTML to head and footer, WordPress e-mail from header filter, etc.
Logaster Logo Generator
Convenient tool for creating free logos. Logos are saved to media library and fully integrated to WordPress site.
Show Customizer
Activate this to show the theme customizer in block themes.
MaxBlogPress Favicon
Easily add favicon to your blog without editing any wordpress files.
F4 Simple White Label
Allows you to to change the login image, admin bar logo and admin footer text.