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PCSH (PastaCode and SyntaxHighlighter)

开发者 webaib
更新时间 2015年12月10日 21:11
PHP版本: 3.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.4
版权: GPLv2 or later


embed code version github bitbucket gist SyntaxHighlighter color highlight syntaxique coloration


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4.1 0.4.2


With PCSH (based on the Pastacode plugin), you can easily add code into your posts with the awesome SyntaxHighlighter js-library. You can insert source code into the post editor, from a file, or from webservices like GitHub, Gist, Pastebin or BitBucket. Webservices responses are cached in order to avoid too many HTTP requests. Don't worry about posts updates while upgrading codes! PCSH allows to enhance your snippets using SyntaxHighlighter plugins (highlightning lines, link functions...). 8 different color schemes are included, and you can build yours. Available programming languages:


  1. Unzip PCSH into your plugin folder
  2. Go to PCSH settings, and configure your color scheme and cache expiration
  3. Host your snippets on repositories (or localy)
  4. Editing a post, use PCSH button to embed your source code into articles
Ajax compatibility To enable PCSH on ajax based websites, it need two steps :
  1. Paste this line into your functions.php theme file : "add_filter( 'pcsh_ajax', '__return_true' );"
  2. After each change on your DOM, you will have to run this javascript function : "SyntaxHighlighter.all();"


  • View of the PCSH code lightbox
  • Default color scheme
  • *Django* color scheme
  • *Eclipse* color scheme
  • *Emacs* color scheme
  • *FadeToGrey* color scheme
  • *MDUltra* color scheme
  • *Midnight* color scheme
  • *RDark* color scheme


How to setup a custom cache expiration ?

Paste these lines into your functions.php theme file : "add_filter( 'option_pcsh_cache_duration', 'my_pcsh_cache_duration' ); function my_pcsh_cache_duration( $duration ) { $duration = DAY_IN_SECOND*3; // 3 days return $duration; }"

How define a custom color scheme ?

Paste these lines into your functions.php theme file : "add_filter( 'option_pcsh_style', 'my_pcsh_style' ); function my_pcsh_style( $scheme ) { $scheme = 'my_awesome_style'; //CSS filename into the plugin css directory return $scheme; }"

How to filter supported languages ?

Paste these lines into your functions.php theme file : "//If you just want php, html, css and javascript support add_filter( 'pcsh_langs', '_pcsh_langs' ); function _pcsh_langs( $langs ) { $langs = array( 'php' => 'PHP', 'markup' => 'HTML', 'css' => 'CSS', 'javascript' => 'JavaScript' ); return $langs; }"

How to add a new provider ?

Paste these lines into your functions.php theme file : "//Take WordPress SVN, for example //register a provider add_filter( 'pcsh_services', '_pcsh_services' ); function _pcsh_services( $services ) { $services['wordpress'] = ''; return $services; } //Define pastabox lightbox inputs add_action( 'pcsh_fields', '_pcsh_fields' ); function _pcsh_fields( $fields ) { $fields['wordpress'] = array( // 'wordpress' or 'whatever' 'classes' => array( 'wordpress' ), // same value as the key 'label' => sprintf( __('File path relative to %s', 'pcsh'), '' ), 'placeholder' =>'trunk/wp-config-sample.php', //if placeholder isn't defined, it will be a textarea 'name' => 'path_id' //these value return shortcode attribute (path_id, repos, name, user, version) ); return $fields; } //Build the function to retrieve the code // "pcsh_wordpress" hook name (1st param) = "pcsh_" + "wordpress" or "whatever" add_action( 'pcsh_wordpress', '_pcsh_wordpress', 10, 2 ); function _pcsh_wordpress( $source, $atts ) { extract( $atts ); if( $path_id ) { $req = wp_sprintf( '', str_replace( '', '', $path_id ) ); $code = wp_remote_get( $req ); if( ! is_wp_error( $code ) && 200 == wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $code ) ) { $data = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $code ); $source[ 'url' ] = $req; //url to view source $source[ 'name' ] = basename( $req ); //filename $source[ 'code' ] = esc_html( $data ); //the code !!\ //$source[ 'raw' ] contain raw source code. But there are no raw source code delivered by Wordpress SVN\ } } return $source; }" Do not add you root website!! A contributor can add the shortcode to point your "wp-config.php" to read it!!


0.4.2 0.4.1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1.3* 1.2.1* 1.2* 1.1* 1.0*