Linux 软件免费装
Be API Plugins Require WP at Least
Stop installing plugins that are not compatible with your WP version.
WP Rollback - Rollback Plugins and Themes
Rollback (or forward) any
plugin, theme, or block like a boss.
Automatic Safe Update
To update your plugins with safe and automated mode. Upgrade installed themes too.
Companion Revision Manager - Revision Control
Lightweight plugin that allows full control over post revisions.
WP Dev Info
Displays information on both front and back ends during development, such as memory usage, number of database queries and more.
TCBD Remove Meta Version
This plugin will enable to remove the generator remove meta version.
BNS Theme Details
Displays theme specific details such as download count, last update, author, etc.
Gearside Developer Dashboard
Add metaboxes on your WordPress Admin Dashboard for developer info and TODO Manager
BNS Early Adopter
Show off you are an early adopter of WordPress
Hide Generator Version
Removes the
meta-tag and comprehensively hides the version number of your WordPress installation.
Version Control for jQuery
Version Control for jQuery is one of the easiest ways to control the version of jQuery used on your website.
Current PHP Version
Know the currently installed PHP version in the "At a Glance" admin dashboard widget.
A basic security plugin for WordPress 4.x, 5.0 or higher. You can selectively disable unused features in WordPress core...
EDD Version
Shortcode to output the version number of an EDD download. Requires the EDD Software Licensing add-on.
Plugin Name
Display a configurable warning for some versions of Internet Explorer
PHP 兼容性检查工具
确保您的插件和主题与较新的 PHP 版本兼容。
Add File Version (AFV)
Add File Version (AFV) can automatically or manually add file version to the CSS/JS files that were added using wp_enqueue_style and wp_enqueue_script, admin_enqueue_style and admin_enqueue_script.
Genesis What's New Info
Easy access of the Genesis What's New Admin overview page - not only on updates but everytime. Makes sense, heh? :)
Cacher la version de WordPress qui s'affiche dans l'interface d'administration
Plugin Name
Just another Php Version plugin. Simple but flexible.