开发者 | rajeshsingh520 |
更新时间 | 2025年2月25日 19:58 |
PHP版本: | 7.2 及以上 |
WordPress版本: | 6.7.2 |
版权: | GPLv2 or later |
版权网址: | 版权信息 |
You can do that in the pro version, it allows you to disable the date and time option when user opt for delivery
You can disable delivery date and time option for both delivery and pickup, or you can disable for pickup or disable for delivery
You can enable the delivery date and time field only for delivery by setting Enable delivery or pickup or both option to "Delivery"
You can do so using Enable delivery or pickup or both option
You can do that using Enable delivery or pickup or both option
You can do that using this option in the plugin *Enable delivery date and time *
You can disable the pickup & delivery time option in the Pro Version
You can control how long away the delivery or pickup date can be allowed by using *Pre-order days * option, In the free version you can only select this to be 10 days max. E.g: Say today is 10 March and you only want to allow the buyer to place order 10 days ahead in future then you add Pre-order days as 10, and because of this buyer can only select pickup or delivery date up to 20 March
You can set a number of days you need to prepare an order in Order preparation days. E.g: if today is 10 March, and you need 2 days to prepare order then the buyer can only select dates from 13 March onwards for delivery or pickup
Then you have to set the order preparation days as 0, once you do so you will see a new option below it, Order preparation minutes in this you can specify the time you need to prepare in minutes. This will block the user from selecting the time that has passed away or the time that is not fit based on your order preparation time
You can change them from Delivery label and *Delivery label * option
You can set a default delivery method using this option *Default Delivery Type *
You can do that using this option Time Format
You can do that in the pro version using this option Time interval in minutes
You can do that in the Pro version using this Make delivery/pickup time as required field in checkout
You can do this go to "Pickup Tab"
You can set multiple pickup locations (only 2 in Free version and unlimited in pro version). This pickup location will be shown to the user on checkout field to select one location.
In the pro version, you can set different delivery pickup start and end time for the different days of the weeks
You can disable the days of the week when you don't do delivery/pickup, you can have different days disabled for pickup and different for delivery. When a day is disabled, the buyer won't be able to select that date
Yes you can insert holidays, once you insert certain date as a holiday that date will not be available to the user for selection
You can do so in the PRO version
You can do so in the PRO version
Yes you can do that in pro version
Yes you can do that in the pro version
Yes you can do that in the pro version
In the pro version, you can change the location of the date and time field on the checkout page. It offers 2 positions one before the customer detail and one is after the customer detail
You can do that in the pro version, you can hide time file for the delivery type or pickup type
You can do that in the PRO version, infect you can set a different message for the Delivery and pickup type and you can have that message show up at different position like, above the Delivery type selector option, or below the date and time
Yes, it will remove Specify shipping option from the checkout form when user select pickup as an option
Yes, you can do that in the pro version, in the pro version you can set the time range. and you can set a different time ranges for each day of the weak and different time range for delivery and pickup order type
It does that in the Pro version, you will have to create a "local pickup" shipping method in each shipping zones, then it will add that in the shipping method when pickup will be selected and show rest of method when delivery will be selected
Yes, you can do so in the PRO version.
At present our PRO version support "WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips" invoice generator plugin, so if you are using it then Date, Time, Pickup Location detail will be added in the Invoice PDF, and Packaging slip PDF as well
Check your Setting > General setting and make sure a date format is set in it
Ye, you can do that in the pro version, it gives you the option to hide the form fields as per the delivery type selected by the customer on the checkout page
Say you want the Sunday to be the first day of the week in the calendar, then you can do that in the Pro version
Yes you can do that in the pro version, you can set order limit for the day of the weeks, wherein you can set an Overall order limit plugin you can set a separate order limit for pickup and delivery
yes you can do that you can set an order limit only on the delivery and leave pickup unrestricted (or you can do that other way around as well)
Yes you can do so, you can set a different order limit for some specific delivery date and that limit will overwrite the order limit set on the week day basis
If you are showing the pickup location as a button then it will show the map link for each location on the front end, and it will also add the location map link in the email
For proper working, you must enable WooCommerce "Local pickup" shipping method. then it will change the shipping method as per the user selection of the delivery type option of the plugin.
In pro version you can assign shipping zone to pickup location, so the buyer will only see those pickup location that you have assigned for there shipping zones, E.g: if you have pickup location in all the states in your country so instead of showing all you will assign each pickup location a shipping zone (zones will be based on city) so the buyer will only see the pickup location near to there city
In pro version their is option to remove the plugin options of date , time , location and delivery type when the customer is buying a virtual product. Plugin offers 3 different kind of option for this
Yes you can do that in the pro version, it allows you to set, Cutoff time for same day delivery for pickup as well as delivery. You can set different cutoff time for pickup and delivery.
Yes that can be done in the pro version, you can set a cutoff time for next day delivery/pickup order, once that cutoff time is gone user will not be able to select an order for next date pickup or delivery. And you can set different cutoff time for pickup and delivery
Yes you can do so in the Pro version it allows you to remove the payment gateways as per the user selection of Delivery or Pickup
Yes it can be done in the pro version
You can do that in the pro version it allows you to add special date, this special date can be far away in the future E.g: you can start accepting order for Christmas from October even if your pre-order days are say 10
you can do that using pro version, You will have to enable the option of force special date, then it allow you to set the date that user can select for delivery/pickup apart from those date user cant pick another date E.g: Say you only want to allow pickup on 24th Oct 2020 then you can put that date and user will only have that one date to select from
We have an addon that allow you to do that in the pro version
You can do that in the pro version
Pro version gives you the option to allow shop manager to see and modify the plugin settings
Yes you can view those detail in the WooCommerce app inside the Order note section of the order
Yes the Free version and PRO version both are HPOS compatible
Yes in the pro version you can set quantity limit for each time slot.
Yes in the pro version you can set quantity limit for each day of the week.