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PopUp Everything

开发者 mrommel
更新时间 2017年6月2日 15:10
PHP版本: 3.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8
版权: GPLv2 or later


widget form widgets contact form support contact info box info pop-up contactform pop up Floating infobox help contact box contactbox



Have you ever been frustrated with finding contact info or some other short important info? Now you have the ability to provide these info quick and easy with PopUp Everything. No hard work, all you need to do, is provide the plugin with the info you want display and your siteguests can easily find your info. Filling out the phone no. will let mobile device visitors be able to click on the icon to call you directly. Also supports links with icons to the major Social Networks.


From your WordPress dashboard
  1. Visit \'Plugins > Add New\'
  2. Search for \'PopUp Everything\'
  3. Activate PopUp Everything from your Plugins page.
  4. Visit \'Settings > PopUp Everything\' and fill out the fields that you wish to display. (You can always delete the content later on.) Manually from
  5. Download PopUp Everything.
  6. Upload the \'popup-everything\' directory to your \'/wp-content/plugins/\' directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc...)
  7. Activate PopUp Everything from your Plugins page.
  8. Visit \'Settings > PopUp Everything\' and fill out the fields that you wish to display. (You can always delete the content later on.)


  • Here we have a look at the admin option panel.
  • Here we are looking at how it could look on the front-end. The real result may vary from your options.
  • Here we have a look at the admin option panel.
  • Here we are looking at how it could look on the front-end. The real result may vary from your options.
  • Here we have a look at the admin option panel.
  • Here we are looking at how it could look on the front-end. The real result may vary from your options.


Always keep this plugin updated to make sure you have the most secure and effective version installed on your website.


1.0.1 - 02. August 2016