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Advanced meta widget
Advanced meta widget allows you to chose, what you want to display in meta widget and adds many other features to manage it.
azurecurve Get Plugin Info
Shortcodes available to get plkugin information from
using the plugin.api.
BigContact Contact Page
Create super cool contact pages for your site. Just add a contact form to any page, display business hours, emails and phone numbers as widgets.
Author Exposed
Simple and elegant way to display post author info (full name, website, description ...)
info with social link
System Info
BuddyPress Author Exposed
Display metadata about post author: name, email, website, and BuddyPress profile.
CL WP Info
Show us information about WordPress install, PHP, Database and Hosting Server
ChimiDev Server Information
ChimiDev Server Information plugin allows you to see more information about Wordpress and server where it installed.
Contact Details
Display your contact details with a simple shortcode!
CoronaWP – A Corona virus/COVID-19 custom info banner
Lightweight and easy to use plugin which displays a customizable banner.
Plugin Info
Adds a custom post code to represent WordPress Plugins and integrates it with Plugin Info component
EP Display Users
Adding extra user info fields and options to display user on the site with template code, shortcode or widget.
Banner Alerts
Provides an easy interface for creating and displaying alerts or notices as a banner on a website
Fancy News
Tracking: Emails and Notifications for WooCommerce
Send e-mail notifications about the delivery status to your customers. It's easy!
Genesis Post Info & Meta
Choose where to show/hide post info and meta for Genesis themes.
Google Map
No API Key is Required. Displays Fully Customizable Google Map via Widget. Small or Large Map + Advanced Features Including Lightbox.
If you have any troubles using the plugin please contact me at kumarashok652 ADD yahoo DOT in. == Installation ==
Plugin Name
Add any type of forms to your WordPress site quickly using your own HTML code, setup emails, Auto responders, Captcha and more.