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Posts to Page

开发者 Bloafer
更新时间 2013年3月20日 01:14
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


posts pages shortcode custom post types CMS



This plugin adds a shortcode [posts-to-page] to WP allowing you to easily add one or more posts into any page. Supports categories, tags, custom post types, custom taxonomies and more. This plugin is perfect for those who use WordPress as a CMS. If you need help with this plugin please visit If you find a bug or wish to give us feedback and contribute to this plugin on its GitHub page


You can install from within WordPress using the Plugin/Add New feature, or if you wish to manually install:
  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Upload the entire posts-to-page directory to your plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins/)
  3. Activate the plugin from the plugin page in your WordPress Dashboard
  4. Start embedding posts in whatever pages you like using the shortcode [posts-to-page].


How do I limit the results?

You need to use the variable "limit", only available in version 0.2 and above ([posts-to-page cat_id=1 limit=3])

I want to split the content early, how?

You need to use the variable "split_point", only available in version 0.3 and above ([posts-to-page cat_id=1 split_point="<!--split-->"])

I want to split on the more point, how would I do this?

You need to use the variable "split_more", only available in version 1.2 and above ([posts-to-page cat_id=1 split_more="true"])

I have installed the plugin but it is only showing me the shortcode?

Make sure you have activated the plugin.

How do I get rid of the titles?

You need to use the variable "show_title", this has been available since version 0.1 but not documented ([posts-to-page cat_id=1 show_title=false])

How do I show the date?

You need to use the variable "show_date" ([posts-to-page cat_id=1 show_date=true])

How do I show only the titles?

You need to use a two variables, "show_title" and "show_content" ([posts-to-page cat_id=1 show_title=true show_content=false])

How do I show the author?

You need to use the variable "show_author" ([posts-to-page cat_id=1 show_author=true])

How do I link the title to the post?

You need to use the variable "link_title" ([posts-to-page cat_id=1 link_title=true])

How do I show other post types?

You need to use the variable "type" ([posts-to-page cat_id=1 type=gallery])

How do I display the content before the title

You need to use the "display_sequence" variable ([posts-to-page cat_id=1 display_sequence=title,date,author,content])

How do I display a template file

You need to use the "use_template_file" variable, although this is experimental it could work really well ([posts-to-page use_template_file="content"])

I have read all of these, but need more help

Please visit you can find in-depth tutorials.


1.7 This update adds a few new features that have been requested from the commuinity and adds a few new features that we thought you would like. 1.6 This update adds the debug option, this allows remote debugging of the Posts to Page and fixes an image bug 1.5 This update adds a massive amount of functionality to improve your Posts to Page life 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1