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custom post types
TypeRocket UI
This plugin provides a powerful user interface for creating post types, taxonomies, and meta boxes.
Archives for Custom Post Types
A plugin that provides native-like support for dated archive pages of custom post types (e.g.
Amazing Posts Widget
Display Posts on widget with amazing way, It's really suitable with your blog or portfolio.
Brainy's Custom Post Types
Gives you the ability to view and create post types straight from within the WordPress admin panel
Posts 2 Posts
Efficient many-to-many connections between posts, pages, custom post types, users.
WP Featured News - Custom Posts Listing Elements
WP Featured News plugin allows you to display your posts anywhere of your web-pages with 10 powerful and creatively designed post blocks.
AutoNav Graphical Navigation and Gallery Plugin
Creates lists/tables of text/thumbnails/links to posts, pages, taxonomies, attachments, custom post types, image directories.
Bigboss Custom Post Type Widget
Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields
Pods is a framework for creating, managing, and deploying customized content types and fields for any project.
BuddyForms Remote
BuddyForms Remote provides your forms where ever they are needed! Use BuddyForms forms on any website (WP and NON WP sites) in iFrames or as Toggle.
Captain Slider
Probably the Best Free jQuery Slider/Slideshow Plugin for Wordpress. Responsive, Settings & Multiple Sliders!
Boone's Pagination
A handy, extensible class for paginating your custom post type lists.
Boone's Sortable Columns
A handy, extensible class for adding sortable columns your custom post type lists.
Custom Post Type Tables
Allow storing custom post types in their own tables in order to make querying large datasets more efficient
WP Permastructure
Adds the ability to configure permalinks for custom post types using rewrite tags like %post_id% and %author%.
PTAPS - Post Type Archive Pages and Permalink Settings
Use archive pages for custom post types and improve WordPress SEO by managing permalinks for custom post types and taxonomies.
Product Catalog Simple
Catalog plugin with fully customizable responsive design, search and categories. Best for product catalog and services or portfolio presentation.
Plugin Name
Allows you to export values of custom fields and info from The Events Calendar plugin into a CSV file.
BP WC Vendors
BuddyPress WooCommerce Vendors integrates WC Vendors with BuddyPress and enables a BuddyPress Social Marketplace
Church Options
An all-in-one solution for churches to add the custom post types and custom fields they need for an effective website. Compatible theme required.